Year 12 graduates from WA’s Catholic schools have been recognised as Catholic Education WA’s high achievers for 2024.
The seventy-two graduates and their families were invited to the annual Academic Excellence Awards ceremony at the Catholic Education Office in Leederville to celebrate their achievements.
Award recipients included those students who achieved an Australian Tertiary Admission Ranking (ATAR) of 99 and above as well as students who received a Pinnacle Award from the School Curriculum and Standards Authority in ATAR and VET pathways.
Thirty-two percent of eligible Year 12 Catholic school students achieved an ATAR of 90+, with thirty-six students obtaining an ATAR of 99+.
Eleven students received Exhibitions, including:
- Emily Laurance from John XXIII College received a General Exhibition and a Subject Exhibition – Religion and Life
- Xavier Pike from Aquinas College received a General Exhibition and a Subject Exhibition – Politics and Law
- Ava Daebritz from Iona Presentation College received a General Exhibition
- Maya Mintz from John XXIII College received a General Exhibition
- Matthew Ryan from Trinity College received a General Exhibition
- Mitchell Bacon from Aquinas College received a Subject Exhibition – Media Production and Analysis
- Jessica Bolden from Santa Maria College received a Subject Exhibition – Drama
- Nicholas Gray from Sacred Heart College received a Subject Exhibition – Engineering Studies
- Ellie Mallinder from Mandurah Catholic College received a Subject Exhibition -Outdoor Education
- Isabel Martinez from Santa Maria College received a Subject Exhibition – Visual Arts
- Alison Nolan from Sacred Heart College received a Subject Exhibition – Marine and Maritime Studies
The highest ATAR ranking for students in Catholic schools was achieved by Matthew Ryan from Trinity College, followed by Xavier Pike from Aquinas College.
Catholic Education WA Executive Director, Wayne Bull said it is fantastic to be able to acknowledge the high academic achievers from our 2024 Year 12 cohort.
“I am also proud to be able to recognise the contribution their parents, families, teachers and Principals have made in supporting those students throughout their learning journey to achieve the goals they have set for themselves,” Mr Bull said.
“As students move into the next stage of their lives, I hope they take with them good memories and strong values from their time at their Catholic school,” he said.