By Amanda Murthy
Faced with three autoimmune health situations as a young woman, and having witnessed first-hand the health battles faced by family members, Whitford parishioner Lorraine Sindel saw the impact ill health could have on a child.

The result – Brave Books – written and illustrated by Lorraine, aimed at children aged two to 12, as a way to help kids cope with “scary and uncertain” times that they and their families may be facing.
In these books, Lorraine covers the topics of fear, anxiety, self-doubt, types of cancer, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease, expanding the series to create awareness about arthritis, endometriosis, dementia, diabetes, body image, and more, in an engaging and light-hearted fashion.
Speaking to The Record, Lorraine shared some of her personal health journey experiences, as well as her inspirations behind the messages in the books.
“I started writing the first book of my Brave Books range (Colitis) in early-2018 as a therapeutic exercise, after I had gone through quite a difficult time with my own Ulcerative Colitis (IBD),” Lorraine stated.
“Then, in May 2018, my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer, and it was her diagnosis that pushed me to get serious about Brave Books and broaden the range.
“Being a Catholic, having faith is a huge reason I was able to get through my struggles, although the books are for everyone, readers will find a religious component that I felt was an important inclusion to me, because, that is what hope encompasses: love and faith,” she stated.
Lorraine recalls her biggest health struggle with IBD four years ago, citing it was a scary, physically and emotionally painful time, where she was put on various medications, and lost a lot of weight.
“During those days, I remember feeling constantly worried, especially when medication caused allergic reactions,” Lorraine recalled.
“I would feel incredibly anxious and scared, while I was unwell, I isolated myself a lot, through fear and embarrassment of my condition.
“Thankfully, I received great help from my specialist, and I’m on the way to recovery, but my experiences have taught me the importance of faith and building awareness and understanding around health conditions.
“Brave Books aims to build acceptance and understanding around health conditions, so that no child feels outcast, embarrassed, scared or alone; regardless of their scary situation,” she continued.
“By building awareness in the community, we can ‘normalise’ situations, and encourage inclusive and compassionate behaviour, whether an illness is invisible or causes physical difference, no one should ever feel invisible or different.”
Lorraine added that from every Brave Book (based on a medical condition) sold, $2 would automatically be donated to a relevant charity.
The charities currently supported are; Crohn’s and Colitis Australia, National Breast Cancer Foundation, The Kids’ Cancer Project, Bowel Cancer Australia, and Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation.
“Right now the world faces a lot of fear and uncertainty with the current coronavirus pandemic,” Lorraine said.
“How we act and react will have a dramatic impact on the future of many children; particularly those that already suffer from anxiety or a health condition. It’s now more important than ever to offer hope, love and faith.
“We have no control over what may happen as a result of the pandemic, but we need to have faith that everything is going to be okay,” Lorraine concluded.
For more information or to purchase Brave Books and do your part for charity, visit: