Cathedral choir opens auditions to spread message of Christ

20 Feb 2020

By Amanda Murthy

The St Mary’s Cathedral choir singing for Christmas back in 2018. The group are currently recruiting new members. Candidates can register their interest by 13 March. Photo: The Record.

By Amanda Murthy

With a rich heritage of music spanning more than 150 years, the Saint Mary’s Cathedral’s Music program is holding its annual auditions with the hopes of expanding their members.

Auditions are opened to boys from Year 2 to 4 with no prior singing experience necessary.

If selected, the choristers will undergo weekly training as part of the program.

Enquiries from boys in Years 5 to 12 for the various streams of the Cathedral Choir will also be welcome throughout the year.

The St Mary’s Cathedral choir singing last year. The group are currently recruiting new members. Candidates can register their interest by 13 March. Photo: The Record.

St Mary’s Cathedral Music Director Jacinta Jakovcevic, told The Record that the Cathedral Choir which currently consists of 16 members, sing weekly for the 11am Mass, and have quite a huge role in spreading the message of Christ to all who attend Mass.

“The Church has an amazing heritage of music spanning back around 2000 years – some chants that we sing date back to at least the 10th century and scholars believe some chants are indeed much older; possibly emanating from the very early Church,” Ms Jakovcevic stated.

The St Mary’s Cathedral choir singing for a concert back in 2016. The group are currently recruiting new members. Candidates can register their interest by 13 March. Photo: The Record.

“Cathedral choirs could be seen as almost ‘custodians’ of this heritage – with an added challenge of making this heritage alive in our own present time which is something continually mentioned in our Church documents pertaining to music.

“It’s wonderful to see the development of each individual chorister: they become very proficient musicians, as well as develop other important skills such learning to work as part of a team whilst at the same time functioning confidently as an individual and organising themselves well. 

The St Mary’s Cathedral after an event back in 2011. The group are currently recruiting new members. Candidates can register their interest by 13 March. Photo: The Record.

“But more importantly, for the boys, this also a journey of faith development as we are part of liturgies on an regular basis – we celebrate and commemorate the feasts and seasons of the Church’s calendar – our music is our prayer and it also needs to move all present into a prayerful space – so we have quite a big responsibility,” she added.

Deadline to register for auditions is 13 March 2020. For information and further details, contact Cathedral Music Director Jacinta on or on 9223 1377.