In solidarity with the world’s most marginalised, staff from Catholic Youth Ministry Perth (CYM) together with Caritas Australia Perth Office last month participated in the City to Surf Fun Run with the aim of raising money and awareness for Caritas’ aid and development work.
CYM Events Coordinator Kim Hodgson said the occasion was a great opportunity for those who participated to step out and put their faith in action.
“I was inspired by the number of young people who joined the team and enthusiastically took kilometers for Compassion to the street,” Ms Hodgson said.
Caritas Australia works in partnership with local communities in 35 countries throughout Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Pacific and with Australia’s first peoples.
Caritas Australia provides a beacon of hope for millions of children, women and men in times of hardship and contributes to the development of social justice in times of peace.
Servite College in Tuart Hill also had 35 Year 11 students participate in the 4km walk, carrying buckets of water to show their solidarity and to raise funds and awareness of the work undertaken by Caritas Australia.
“Caritas Ks campaign is a great opportunity for our Servite students to not only raise funds for Caritas Australia but raise awareness in our community for the social justice issues affecting the most vulnerable in the world” said Rob Thomas, Christian Service Learning Coordinator at Servite College
Caritas Australia Fundraising and Promotions Officer WA and fellow runner Natalie Weir said she is extremely grateful for the support from CYM and Servite College.
“I am not a (very good) runner so this was a big challenge for me both physically and mentally,” Mrs Weir said.
“Working with Caritas for more than eight months now, I have learnt about what others have to go through each day simply to survive.
“Helping the poorest of the poor was my drive; to not only make it to that finish line but to also raise awareness and vital funds to help change the lives of the people Caritas Australia works with around the world.”
Caritas Australia, Catholic Youth Ministry and Servite College have worked together in solidarity to raise more than $6,500 to support the poorest of the poor.
If you would like to make a donation, visit our Team Caritas K’s fundraising page. Thank you to our sponsors and supporters.