Caring for the Poorest of the Poor: Launching the 2017 Social Justice Statement

31 Oct 2017

By The Record

The 2017 Social Justice Statement, Everyone’s Business: Developing an Inclusive and Sustainable Economy, was launched in Perth in September by Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton.

In his speech for the occasion, Bishop Sproxton spoke about the concerns of the Australian bishops in regard to the economic situation of 25 years ago, and ongoing concern about caring for the poorest of the poor.

The following text is an edited excerpt from his speech.

That Gospel of Matthew (20:1-7) is one that certainly highlights the importance of work, the importance of living in an environment, which I think you would say is what an economy is, an environment where people are trusted and respected, and are allowed to work for their livelihood, but also to enable them to care for those in their responsibility.

This statement, Everyone’s Business: Developing an Inclusive and Sustainable Economy, comes directly from the Australian bishops, in response to the work they have been doing in their dioceses and the issues and concerns that they have become aware of through their various parishes and agencies.

It is a very important statement from our (the Australian bishops) point of view because it comes from the heart of everything that is happening in the Church of Australia right now.

Bishop Vincent Long, who is the chairperson for the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council, has written a beautiful introduction to this Statement, which gives us a sense of why many things have been stated within the document; why some of the concerns have been raised; and why they are, in fact, very important issues for the Church in Australia to be reflecting upon, discussing and finding ways of implementing strategies to overcome the disadvantage and plight of many in our community. It all springs, of course, from the teachings of Jesus, and from the practice and experience of the Church right from the beginning.

In the Acts of the Apostles, the problem that arose in the community about the care for the widows is recounted. Out of that came the decision to call together a group, who are called the deacons, to help these people who were vulnerable in the community.

In some ways, even in the early years of the community, the needs of the widows had become invisible and the Church needed to be asked to focus again on this group of people, vulnerable people who no longer had the means of supporting themselves.

This, I think, is one of the major reasons why a statement like this is made: to help us refocus and notice those in our community who are vulnerable and live in disadvantaged circumstances, and to respond to them.

The Statement also retells the story of more recent times, of the Church’s teachings in social justice but also of the economy, of the right to property, the right to work, the importance for us to provide, through the structures of our society, ways of supporting those who are in very dire circumstances.

It takes us back to the Encyclical of Leo XIII – Rerum Novarum (15 May 1891) – and the subsequent documents from the popes which helped us to focus again on some issues that are perennial and new challenges to the dignity of people caused by poverty and grave disadvantage.

The other thing that this statement reminds us of is that it’s 25 years since the publication of the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Social Justice Statement of 1992, entitled The Commonwealth for Common Good. This anniversary provided a reason to return to the subject of the economy and our role as a Church to critique and encourage a reform of the economy for the sake of the poor.


If we go back to that document and take note of some of the things said 25 years ago, and then reflect on the current situation, we might not be too astounded that these perennial problems are still with us. Solutions have not been found for many of them. That document pointed out that household poverty was increasing in 1992; that unemployment was increasing; that there was a decline in the number of farming communities; and that hardship was ever increasing for disadvantaged groups within our society.

It talked about what was considered to be a new reality, called ‘economic rationalism’, where the free market was seen as the overarching goal for our society. This approach advocates the reduction of government spending and intervention when it comes to work, employment and benefits for workers. Privatising some government institutions should be utilised in order to reduce spending.

At the base of this particular idea of economic rationalism was the idea that individualism should be enshrined and promoted, that there should be an economic survival of the fittest in our society and, at that time, the idea that ‘greed is good’ was popular.

Our document this year brings up a number of concerns. One that has been mentioned already is that three million Australians are living in poverty, including 730,000 children. There has been a greater increase in income for the top 20 per cent of households than for the poorest 20 per cent of households.

The deregulation in the labour market has led to reduced security and benefits, and affected the permanency of employment, and the introduction of more and more short-term contracts. So, job permanency has been affected. About a third of working Australians are living in poverty.

These are just some of the facts which you will find in the document which will help us in our reflections. In this document, the bishops provide a critique of the economic system.  Five points that call for our reflection are:

  • people and nature are not mere tools of production
  • economic growth alone cannot ensure inclusive and sustainable development
  • social equity must be built into the heart of the economy
  • businesses must benefit all society, not just shareholders
  • the excluded and vulnerable must be included in decision-making.

There is much in this document for us to read and reflect upon. I’m very grateful for the opportunity to now launch this document here in Perth. I certainly commend it for our reading, study and prayerful thinking, and how, in our way, in our circumstances, we can bring about an inclusive and sustainable economy in our country.


From pages 6 and 7 of Issue 10: ‘Social Outreach’ of The Record Magazine