By Vincent Haber
‘Be ready, be open and expect to be surprised in the way God can work in your life’ is one of many messages that Archbishop Timothy Costelloe stated to the pilgrims travelling to World Youth Day in Brazil during the Commissioning Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral last Sunday, July 7.
The standing room only Cathedral warmly welcomed and applauded the many pilgrims from multiple parishes and groups as they were commissioned to be representatives of the Catholic community of Perth and witnesses to the faith. The pilgrims were overwhelmed and amazed by the encouragement of the whole community.
WYD leader and pilgrim Matt Tuson said, “It was really great to feel the support of the Archbishop, as well as the whole congregation behind us.”
Archbishop Timothy Costelloe gave an inspirational and rousing homily that captured the essence of what World Youth Day entails and simply narrates what a pilgrimage is.
He said, “World Youth Day is a celebration of our Catholic Faith which is simply a celebration of Jesus Christ, who calls us to live our lives as richly, fully, joyfully and with much integrity.”
“Pilgrimage is really a privileged time, a special gift of grace, when the Lord intends if you’re ready to let him begin to shape you powerfully into the person he is calling you to be. The person you are made to be,” Archbishop Costelloe added.
The Mass was concluded with all World Youth Day pilgrims being invited to the altar and with the congregation raising their arms in prayer for the journey of the young people.
Zebelene Wates, parish youth leader of Queens Park and first time attendee of an international World Youth Day, was inspired during the commissioning.
She said, “For me and my family there was incredible joy, knowing that the faith is still alive and to share the experience of Christ with so many others was simply soul enriching.”
A total of 72 pilgrims, comprising three Catholic Youth Ministry staff and eight chaplains including Archbishop Timothy Costelloe and Bishop Donald Sproxton, will depart in the next few days and head off to Brazil.
World Youth Day is the largest gathering in human history introduced by our late Pope John Paul II, with approximately four million people recorded to have attended Manila, Philippines in 1995.
This year, they are expecting two million to take part in World Youth Day in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.