Bedford parishioners observed the Holy Week celebrations this year, with grateful hearts, that they could physically gather again as a community, after having to stay at home last year, due to the COVID-19 lockdown.
Parish Priest Father Jeronimo Flamenco Castillo said the Easter Triduum celebrations, just like every other year, were a great opportunity to walk in the footsteps of Jesus and remember the moments of His life that has indeed forever impacted our lives as Christians.
“Last year was a challenge for our world. I thank God every day that we are fortunate to live in this wonderful county Australia where we have not been badly affected as other countries with COVID-19,” Fr Jeronimo explained.
“In 2020, we were fortunate enough to be able to live-stream our services including Holy Week, but it was difficult to connect with the empty pews!
“I am so grateful that in 2021, we could celebrate the Masses physically. Our amazing parishioners came throughout Lent and the Triduum and celebrated and supported me and each other. I thank God for that,” he added.
This year, Parishioners took liberty to decorate the parish appropriately on the various celebrations including Palm Sunday, Good Friday Stations of the Cross, Good Friday Passion of the Lord, and for the Easter Masses.
During the 7pm Vigil Mass, four adults received the sacraments of Communion and Confirmation; with two of those also being baptised for the first time.