Manicures and massages are on the menu for clients at MercyCare’s McAuley House in Wembley, thanks to a new volunteer beauty service.
McAuley House offers a range of centre-based activities for seniors living independently in the local community, including the new mini-beauty therapy service.
MercyCare Coordinator for Day Centres Bettina Philp said the mini-beauty therapy service for McAuley House clients, once a week, is thanks to the generosity of Friendlies Chemist in Subiaco, and a volunteer who is happy sharing her skills as a beauty therapist.
“We had a spare room in McAuley House and we thought ‘what can we provide to our clients that will make use of the room?’ We had a new volunteer join us, Ruby Winkless, who has a background in beauty therapy, so we decided to set up a pampering room,” Bettina explained.
“Ruby comes in once a week and provides manicures and hand and shoulder massages for our clients. Touch can be a powerful therapy tool for our clients and it’s nice to have that one-on-one time, making people feel a little special and nurtured.”
“When Ruby comes in, she also brings her little dog, Honey, and the ladies absolutely love her, so Honey will sit on their laps while they have their manicures. It’s all part of creating a home-like environment at McAuley House.”
So far, clients have been relishing the chance for a treat – and it’s not just the ladies.
“We were a surprised when we said ‘who’s interested in a shoulder massage or manicure’ as we’ve had a few gentlemen come forward too, which is fantastic. The feedback from our clients has been really positive,” Bettina said.
MercyCare Chief Executive Officer Chris Hall said McAuley House is a vibrant and friendly meeting place for seniors who want to get involved in their local community.
“We’re always happy to welcome new faces to spend time at McAuley House. It’s a great way to meet new people, explore new interests – and now, thanks to Ruby and the generosity of Friendlies Chemist in Subiaco, it’s also a good chance to treat yourself to some beauty therapy,” he said.
“McAuley House staff provide transport to and from the centre for clients who live in the surrounding areas each morning and afternoon, and we provide morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.”
MercyCare provides for seniors in the local community at McAuley House from Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm at 124 Salvado Rd in Wembley. For more information about McAuley House, call 9285 8285.
MercyCare is a leading Catholic provider of aged care, family, health and community services.