Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton has last weekend told Baldivis parishioners to never forget their community belongs to Christ.
Speaking Sunday 21 May at the installation of Fr Alexis Vega Osorio as Parish Priest of Baldivis, Bishop Sproxton was joined by Fr Alexis, Redemptoris Mater Seminary Rector Fr Michael Moore SM, Spiritual Director Fr Noe Navarette-Apaez and Baldivis Missio-ad-Gentes priest, Fr Victor Lujano.
We must never forget that we are working with Christ, Bishop Sproxton continued, re-enforcing that we are working on the mission of Christ when we work as a community.
“We are working with Christ, especially when we are able to look beyond our own needs and wants, to that work of evangelisation of bringing Christ into the lives of others, helping them to know Christ, as we ourselves are learning to know Christ,” he said.
More than 450 parishioners and members of the Mother Teresa Catholic College community gathered for the occasion to meet their new parish priest – Fr Alexis Vega Osorio – who originally hails from Colombia and has spent the past several years working at Our Lady Queen of Peace Cathedral in the Diocese of Broome.
Fr Alexis underwent his formation for the priesthood at Redemptoris Mater Seminary Morley and was ordained Friday 20 March 2015. He also undertook pastoral placement in Israel, which he described as perhaps the most powerful moment of his priestly formation.
“I am humbled to be the next Parish Priest of Baldivis, and I pray I can continue to lead by example, serving the people in whatever way I can, as my predecessors Fr Geoff Aldous and Fr Arulraj Mulaguri have done,”Fr Alexis said.
“I am certain the Lord will continue to work through all of us within the parish community in helping us to continue to be a vibrant life-giving parish, ready to announce the Gospel to all,” he said.
Continuing his homily, Bishop Sproxton explained that Father Alexis has been given the responsibility of leading and working with all the members of the parish.
“Particularly focused on bringing Christ to others around us and helping us to grow in our understanding of who Christ is, so that we can truly represent Him,” Bishop Sproxton said.
“So let us pray that we will continue in this journey – wherever we are in that journey – of getting to know Christ.
“Let us be effective witnesses of our faith before others, bringing them to Christ, and bringing them to the joy and the hope that there is in being his disciples.
“…I ask that you pray with me and with one another, that Father Alexis will be one who knows the responsibilities of being a parish priest, but at the same time, is able to minister and to provide that leadership and that example of faith that comes with the leadership that he is meant to provide for us here.
“To be a man of faith who grows in faith daily, because of the spirit within him, but also because of the spirit that is within this community to which he responds with openness and with love.
At the conclusion of Mass, Fr Alexis also greeted the Parish Pastoral Council, led by Chairperson Michael Parker.