The school and parish of St Lawrence in Balcatta hosted a soccer competition on April 7.
Sixty players took part in the St Lawrence Parish Cup, which was held at a nearby oval during the afternoon.
Being Divine Mercy Sunday, all players and spectators took a break from the competition at 3pm to recite the chaplet of Divine Mercy.
“It was wonderful experience for many,” parish priest Fr Irek Czech SDS said. “It showed how we can bring prayer and spirituality to the field.”
The parish also organised a golf day on April 5 at Hamersley golf course.
Parish council chairperson Nancy Bonfiglio said both sporting events were great successes.
“The St Lawrence Parish Cup is an initiative to develop the Parish community by providing opportunities for the Parish to partake in an array of events,” she said.
“Parents were enquiring about further events as they saw the validity and appreciated the work in organising the event.
“At this stage, the discussion is that we will meet the ten-pin bowling challenge next term, but we need to discuss this as a committee first.”