The question “What is your story of Catholicism and what is your hope for the future of the Church?” will be central to a seminar aimed at making a positive contribution to the formation opportunities available to the Catholic faithful of Perth.
In 2020, Monsignor Michael Keating supported the Australian Catholic Church History Symposium’s establishment, which is set to come to fruition on 22 September at the University of Notre Dame Australia’s Fremantle Campus.
The inaugural symposium will feature three local leaders who will share personal reflections on their faith and on the Catholic Church in Western Australia.
The panel includes former UNDA Governor, the Hon Chief Justice of Western Australia Peter Quinlan, current UNDA Vice Chancellor Professor Francis Campbell, and SJOG Health Care Board of Trustees Chair, Eva Skira AO.
Each keynote speaker will give a 20-minute presentation to flesh out the question “What is your story of Catholicism and what is your hope for the future of the Church?”.
Audience members will then be encouraged to participate in a question-and-answer session that will run for a further 30 minutes.
Former Perth Bishop Martin Griver. Photo: Archdiocese of Perth. The opening of Perth’s St Mary’s Cathedral in 1933. Photo: Archdiocese of Perth. Perth’s first Bishop, John Brady. Photo: Archdiocese of Perth.
The members of the organising committee are theologian Dr Angela McCarthy, Centre for Faith Enrichment Director Dr Marco Ceccarelli, Archdiocesan Archives Office Director Mr Odhran O’Brien, UNDA National Senior Executive Officer and Associate Director (Faith and Formation) Mr Anthony Coyte, and retired priest Monsignor Michael Keating.
“My hope is that the event will make an important contribution to contemporary discourse on the social and religious landscape of Western Australian life,” Mr O’Brien said.
The free-to-attend symposium will commence at 6pm on Wednesday, 22 September at the University of Notre Dame Australia in the Tannock Hall of Education (ND4), corner Cliff and Croke Streets, Fremantle Refreshments will be served following the event.
RSVP essential, contact the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth Archives Office at archives@perthcatholic.org.au or call (08) 6104 3626.