Archbishop Timothy Costelloe recently instituted four seminarians to the ministries of Lector and Acolyte at St Charles’ Seminary, Guildford.
Seminarians Dominic Sandon, Jhee Baguinat and Nicholas Diedler were instituted to the ministry of Lector, while fourth-year seminarian Tung Vu was instituted to the ministry of Acolyte.
Seminary Rector Monsignor Kevin Long said that institution into a Ministry is an important milestone for a seminarian.
Reflecting on the ministry of the Lector, Mgr Long said it signifies an increase in spiritual responsibility and, at the same time, marks a historic point – one step closer to the priesthood.
“One of the primary ministries of the priest is to proclaim the Word of God.
“The ministry of Lector encourages a seminarian to love and cherish God’s Word, to proclaim it with the authority of the Church and to model his life on its teaching.
Mgr Long went on to say that it is an important moment for the seminarians of St Charles to receive the Archbishop’s encouragement and challenge as they continue to discern their vocation.
For more information about the Seminary and the priesthood, please visit: www.stcharlesseminary.org.au.