Archbishop Hickey says we must live Biblically in new book

18 Dec 2008

By therecord

“No answers are possible without turning to the author of life" Archbishop Barry Hickey says in new book.



 Here’s the blurb to a new book by His Grace, Barry James Hickey, the Archbishop of Perth:

"The renewed interest in sacred scriptures has come at a very opportune moment when many young people are searching to find Jesus,” writes Archbishop Barry J. Hickey of Perth. “What better way than turning to the Word of God where we see what Jesus did and hear him speak. He has much to say to us today.”

“My hope is that through the pages of this little book the ¬ figure of Jesus will emerge clearly and strongly as the Messiah and the Redeemer.   This book traces the long centuries of prophecies that preceded him. When we look back we see that God was already preparing for the birth of his son through Abraham and the Patriarchs, through Moses and the Great Covenant of Sinai, through the story of King David, through the worship in the Temple of Solomon, through the Jewish Feasts and Sacrifices and through the Prophets, concluding with St John the Baptist who declared that the Messiah had come in the person of Jesus.

“ The whole Bible points to Jesus as the one who serves, the one who tells us of God’s love and the one who we are called to follow to be with God for eternity.   The hope of this book is that our lives will be changed in meeting Jesus in the pages of the Bible and that when he calls us we will follow him faithfully without compromise or hesitation.”

ARCHBISHOP BARRY HICKEY has served as the the Archbishop of Perth, Western Australia, since 1991. Educated in Western Australia, he entered St Charles’ Seminary in Perth in 1950, from where he was sent to study at the Urbaniana University in Rome. Ordained a priest in Rome in 1958, he gained his Licentiate in Sacred  Theology the following year before returning to Western Australia to serve in a variety of Church appointments. He was appointed Bishop of Geraldton by Pope John Paul II in 1984.

To pre-order a copy of the Archbishop’s book, conact Caroline on 08 9227 7080 or emai: