The reality of religious life in the Church is a powerful sign of the Church’s vocation to be, in the words of Saint Paul: “all things to all people”, proclaimed Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB at the Mass and blessing of the new Perth Salvatorian Spirituality Centre and Salvatorian Foundation Day on 21 November.
Joining Archbishop Costelloe for the grand occasion were concelebrants Bunbury Bishop Gerard Holohan, Geraldton Bishop Michael Morrissey, Geraldton Emeritus Bishop Most Rev Justin Bianchini, Perth Archdiocese Vicar General Fr Peter Whitely, Salvatorian Provincial Superior Very Rev Józef Figiel SDS, Superior East Asia Mission Vicariate Rev Adam Janus SDS and Regional Superior Rev George Kolodziej SDS, together with more than 50 other clergy including Salvatorian Priests from the Polish Province, East Asia Mission Vicariate, and the Australian Region.
“Religious life in the Church is remarkable, for a way in which a profound unity in vision in a rich diversity of ways,” Archbishop Costelloe stated in his homily.
“We have so many Holy Orders of the Church – Each of these religious families in the Church help’s us to remember that diversity is not the opposite of unity, in fact diversity and unity go together.
“Together we gather around the local and wider Society of the Divine Savior family, and we the Archdiocese of Perth are richly blessed by the presence of the Salvatorians who care so well for a significant number of parishes here in the west, as people deeply immersed in the charism you have been given through the life, work and holiness of your founder Father Jordan.”
The Archbishop of Perth went on to congratulate the Salvatorian family, confident that they will continue to enrich and positively impact lives within Perth community.
“Every religious family has been given a special insight into the mystery of Christ, and their call is to put it before His whole Church so that we do not forget the message,” headded.
“Fr Jordan often reminded the Salvatorian religious family that the Divine Saviour, in His own mercy had called them to be images of Himself as far as possible.
“My prayer is that everyone who comes to this Spirituality Centre, will through your ministry, and through your service, will be drawn to Christ, through your example, we will know to be loved by Christ, to be called and sent by Christ – to bear fruit in the lives of everyone we meet,” Archbishop Costelloe concluded.
During his address to those present, Fr Kolodziej thanked all the clergy, religious and laypeople present for all their support and love, adding that he looks forward to the future of the spirituality centre located in Currambine.
“Our aim is to provide an appropriate space for short and long-term residential retreats, sabbaticals and for professional development purposes.
“We are proud of these facilities and we are humbled by the ability to have these blessings given to us,” he expressed.
Fr Figiel spoke at the conclusion of Mass, expressing his joy of seeing the finished building, regarding the centre as an instrument that the Salvatorians can use to continue to fulfil the mission of their founder.
“I pray that the people who come here to spend some time in reflection, in coming to know themselves better, may they receive conversion and draw closer to Jesus and create a loving community,” Fr Figiel noted.
“The generosity of the Archbishop, bishops and Perth community has been overwhelming and we are so blessed to have their support.
“The cooperation and strong relationship among clergy and with us Salvatorians is so important and necessary in order to build new ideas and places that we can continue to grow in our Catholic faith.
“Also a big thank you to all our Salvatorian community, and a special thank you to Fr George who used his gifts to design this beautiful place that is welcoming to all who come here,” he concluded.