Archbishop Timothy Costelloe has last week officially announced his vision and priorities for the Archdiocese of Perth.
The Archbishop made the announcement in front of a number of invited members of the Catholic community at St Mary’s Cathedral on Thursday, 10 September 2015, inviting them to participate in a comprehensive consultation process over the coming months.
More than 500 representatives from across the Archdiocese who were present for the historic announcement by the Archbishop, included members of the clergy and religious orders, parishioners, representatives from Catholic Education and tertiary institutions, welfare agencies and other organisations, in addition to committee members and staff.
In his homily for the occasion, the Archbishop spoke about the great challenge facing the Archdiocese.
“In my homily at my installation Mass three and a half years ago, and so often since, I have insisted that the great challenge we face is ‘to return the Church in our Archdiocese to Christ, and return Christ to the Church’,” the Archbishop said.
“As we prepare to enter into the Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis and, in the spirit of the Lord’s call to repentance, it seems very clear to me that this is a time for us, as a local Church, to pause and consider where we have come from as a diocese, where we are at present, and where we must go in the future.”
The Archbishop went on to announce seven key priority areas that have formed the basis for the review and consultation process, including Professional Standards, Effective Communication, Outreach to those in need, Strengthening and Revitalising Parishes, Support for Clergy, Adult Faith Formation and Archdiocesan Growth and Development.
The review and consultation process has been entitled The Way Forward, referencing Pope John Paul II’s letter to the Church in January 2001, at the start of the Third Millennium, when at that time he proposed “a way forward” for the Church.
In announcing The Way Forward plans and objectives, the Archbishop said he has one overarching hope and dream for the Archdiocese: “That we begin to see ourselves, and conduct ourselves, as a people called to walk together in the footsteps of the Good Shepherd.”
The Archbishop went on to extend a genuine invitation and opportunity for all people of the Church to participate in the forthcoming review and consultation process.
A video message from the Archbishop and an online questionnaire is now available on the new Archdiocesan website at www.perthcatholic.org.au.
Participants may choose to register their details or participate anonymously. All submissions will be treated as confidential.
The Release and Launch of The Way Forward Plan is scheduled for Good Shepherd Sunday, 17 April 2016.
Archbishop Costelloe’s final message to those gathered at St Mary’s Cathedral, and to Catholics throughout the Archdiocese, was a heartfelt invitation.
“Join with me, brothers and sisters, in this journey of faith.
“Let us open our hearts and our lives to Jesus. Let us follow His way, entrust ourselves to His truth, and embrace the fullness of life He holds out to us. Let us walk together in the footsteps of the Good Shepherd.”