St Mary’s Cathedral have in February held the first of its faith formation and social education sessions while Applecross St Benedict’s Church announced its intention to join the Project with an In-Principle Agreement signing ceremony.
The faith formation and social education session at St Mary’s Cathedral saw 17 participants enjoy a morning tea while learning about the church response to modern slavery and what they could do as individuals to assist.
Cathedral Parishioner Betty says she has worried about modern slavery for a long time – even when she was younger.
“I am so glad we are doing something about it,” Betty said.
The session briefly looked at what the Cathedral Parish was doing to mitigate the risk of unintentionally contributing to modern slavery in its supply chains.
The session also offered a strategy for how individuals could respond. Information about modern slavery in Australia and Perth was also highlighted.
In Applecross, St Benedict’s Church community committed to their version of the Project by holding a brief signing ceremony after Sunday Mass in February.
Parish Priest Fr Nelson Po said the project is a good way for the Parish to find out if they are contributing to modern slavery.
“Our project will focus on our existing suppliers to see where there might be risk of Forced Labour in the goods and services we enjoy,” Fr Nelson said.
The Parish Modern Slavery Project is a parish-based, agency-assisted, Archdiocesan-supported initiative of the West Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office.
If your parish is interested in joining the Parish Modern Slavery Project (PMSP), please contact the WA Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office at wacmro@perthcatholic.org.au