By Mark Copland

“Come and See!!” It was that same call that Jesus gave to his Disciples in the Gospel of John that Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Charles Balvo cited upon his arrival in the Diocese of Broome.
Archbishop Balvo, who is the Pope’s representative in Australia was warmly welcomed across the Kimberley during the fourth week of Lent.
Responding to an invitation from Geraldton Bishop Michael Morrissey, Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese, Archbishop Balvo described his time as one of ‘encounter’.
He shared in a whole day gathering of clergy, principals and lay leaders. He was welcomed in the remote communities of Balgo, Beagle Bay, Lombadina, Djarindjin and Kalumburu.
“It was wonderful to have Archbishop Balvo celebrate the Mass of the Oils with the Kimberley Church,” stated Bishop Morrissey.
“At a time in history when the Diocese has been literally cut in two as a result of the extraordinary flooding of the Fitzroy River in January, it was great to bring some of our Diocesan family together.”
Archbishop Balvo also celebrated Mass at the Broome Campus of Notre Dame University as well as with Our Lady Queen of Peace Cathedral Parish for the fifth Sunday in Lent.
He noted that this was his first real engagement with First Nations community members and joked that his phone battery had almost gone flat from capturing so much footage of the stunning landscapes that make up the Kimberley region.
“We felt very much at home with the Papal Nuncio,” stated Aunty Shirley Quaresimin, member of the Cathedral Parish and Deputy Chair of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC).
“We are grateful that he took the time to visit and sit with us. It was a privilege to share our faith and culture with him.”
Dr Mark Copland is Director, Pastoral Projects for the Diocese of Broome.