By Brett Love

Each year, at the commencement of Term Two, St John’s School, Rangeway, celebrates Alleluia Day.
On this day, the faith community gather to rejoice in the miracle of the resurrected Christ and His victory over death and sin, with reference to the Gospel passage, “Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: “I have seen the Lord!” (John 20-18)
Alleluia Day came about after whole school strategic planning in 2020.
It was deemed that the school represented and reflected on Jesus’ passion and walk to Calvary with the students extremely well with annual re-enactments of the Stations of the Cross.
However, the whole school miss the opportunity to truly rejoice together at the risen Lord due to the timing of Easter Sunday during the school holidays.
Subsequently, this hope-filled day became overlooked with the business of Term Two.
On this day, all community members wear white, celebrate in a whole school Liturgy, undertake various learning activities to deepen the student’s understanding of the Resurrection and ultimately exhibit the Fruit of the Spirit, Joy, throughout the day.
Alleluia Day is now well-entrenched in the school calendar and is very much looked forward to by both students and staff alike.