An innovative, intergenerational partnership between a Craigie-based primary school and a local residential home has proven that age is no barrier to strong friendships.
The initiative has also resulted in a prestigious excellence award.
Whitford Catholic Primary School has been bestowed with a Lead Award for Excellence by Catholic Education WA as a result of its partnership with Mercyville Aged Care – a Mercy Health aged care home which aims to encourage companionship and connections between the young and the old.
Mercyville Service Manager, Janelle McFarlane, explained that, as part of the Kids of Mercy program, a dozen students visit seniors every week and participate in a “show and tell” session with residents. The program was established in 2011.
“The weekly visits have resulted in some firm friendships between the children and residents, and the partnership has been a way for young people to learn from and respect the elderly in the wider community,” Ms McFarlane said.
“They’ve certainly loved spending time with residents, whether that has been by flying model helicopters together or making balloon animals, and we are thrilled to have received this award for the partnership which everyone here at Mercyville is committed to,” she added.
Founder of the program and librarian at Whitford Catholic Primary School, Annette Lynch, said the program was particularly important to the children because many had family members living in different regions and states, and often didn’t have grandparents living close by.
She added that the school has been very pleased to participate in this program as the relationships between the children and seniors at Mercyville have gradually flourished.
“There is a very special bond that exists between children and seniors of their grandparents’ generation, and that really does shine through as a result of this partnership; the fact that it has won this excellence award is something we are very proud of,” Ms Lynch said.
Mercy Health is a Catholic community not for profit provider of care, founded by the Sisters of Mercy and grounded in a 2,000-year history of caring for those in need.
The organisation is a national service provider of health and aged care throughout Victoria, Southern New South Wales, Western Australia, Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory.
In Western Australia, the organisation cares for more than 300 people across six residential homes, with 78 independent living units.