Record Information and Rates
Advertising: Mathew De Sousa –
The Record is the weekly newspaper of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Perth published every Wednesday. It is distributed to Catholic parishes, schools, hospitals and by subscription.
Full page $1732.00 exc. GST
Half page $995.00 exc. GST
Quarter page $550.00 exc. GST
Eighth page $255.00 exc. GST
Sixteenth page $125.00 exc. GST
Advertisment Dimensions
The Record has a five-column format,with a 5mm gutter between columns.
Width x Height |
Half page | Quarter Page |
Eight of a Page | Sixteenth of a Page |
2 Columns | 103mm x 260mm | 103mm x 130mm | 103mm x 65mm | |
3 Columns | 157mm x 342mm | 157mm x 170mm | 157mm x 85mm | 157mm x 43mm |
4 Columns | 211mm x 254mm | 211mm x 127mm | 211mm x 63mm | 211mm x 32mm |
5 Columns | 265mm x 203mm | 265mm x 102mm | 265mm x 51mm | 265mm x 25mm |
$/cm per column $10 This price is on top of the nearest Standard Advertisement.
Advertisements not conforming to standard advertisement sizes will be charged according to the height in centimetres above the closest standard size below the advertisement’s size. The price is charged at $10/cm x columns. Advertisements not fitting to the
standard size will be charged according to the height above the lowest standard size.
E.g. An advertisement is 15cm tall and two columns wide. It is therefore 35mm taller than the closest standard ad size below the advertisement, 1/16 of a page. The cost of advertisement will be: 1/16 page advertisement $125 + $10*3.5*2 (cm above the standard size) = $195 Non-standard sizes the Record.
Colour 25%
Page 1 100%
Page 3 50%
Page 5 30%
Centre pages 50%
Back page 50%
Material Submission
Advertisements for appearance in The Record should be submitted in one of the following formats: Portable Document Format (PDF), Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), Encapsulated Postscript Format (EPS), or as a high quality image format such as JPG or BMP.
The Record publishes at 200dpi with a newsprint CMYK process – newsprint is off-white, dictating that colours should be slightly lighter than intended, i.e. just perceptible to the eye. Advertisement art should be submitted no later than Thursday the week before publication. The email address to which it must be submitted is: Other digital media is also accepted, e.g. CD or DVD. Artwork submitted on paper will not be accepted.
Design Surcharge
The Record will design basic advertisements for clients. The text needs to be submitted as it is to be laid out either by fax or electronically. Acceptable formats include Microsoft Word, or a clearly formatted email. This design service attracts a 10% surcharge and advertisements need to be submitted no later than noon of the Wednesday the week before publication.
MS Word Documents Advertisements submitted ready to print in Microsoft Word format will accrue a 10% surcharge. The Record accepts no liability for differences in the layout of advertisements appearing on the page. Microsoft Word is not typesetting software and the formatting from machine to machine may vary. Accepting advertisements in Word format attracts a 10% surcharge.
The deadlines for advertisement art submissions is no later than noon Thursday the week before publication. The exception is for advertisements needing to be designed, as mentioned under the heading design surcharge. These need to be submitted no later than noon Wednesday the week before publication. Address Advertisement art must be submitted digitally. It may be emailed to: Other digital media, such as CDs or DVDs, may be delivered to 21 Victoria Square, Perth, or posted to PO Box 3075, Adelaide Tce, Perth WA 6832. Advertisement text for design may be emailed, or
faxed to: (08) 9325 4580. The Record cannot accept content information via phone.
Classified ads are booked via email to:, by telephone on: (08) 9220 5900, or fax on: (08) 9325 4508. Client details that must be submitted include name, telephone number, billing address, and period of booking. Pricing for classified ads is based on a per line basis – $4.40 for the first eight words, plus $1.10 per four words thereafter. Payment can be made by credit card (over the phone), by cheque or money order on receipt of invoice. The deadline for publication is Friday noon the week before publication.
All inserts must be authorised through the production manager prior to insertion. Please allow two weeks.
1. Inserts must arrive at Rural Press no later that 4pm of the day prior to the date of publication. Deliveries
must be made to:
Rural Press
7 Rafferty Close
Western Australia, 6210
2. Inserts are to be labelled with publication date, insert name and the publication into which it is to be inserted.
3. It is vitally important that inserts into The Record are no too thick. This will prevent distribution and the inserts will be disgarded. Please ask for the Rural Press Insert Specification document. The Record is published weekly and goes to press every Tuesday afternoon. Distribution follows on the Wednesday immediately after printing. Distributing inserts is a more convoluted process than advertising on page. Timing is important so it is necessary to liaise with the production manager. Feel free to contact The Record for further information on: (08) 9227 7080.