By Theresia Titus
Bishops’ X-Change sessions held during the 2019 Australian Catholic Youth Festival have significantly increased the conversation with young people on issues facing the Church and society today.
With a total of 20 sessions held during the Festival, pilgrims had the opportunity to voice their thoughts and ideas in response to the selected questions in each session, accompanied by two Bishops and facilitated by Plenary Council team members.
Among the topics discussed were the six listening and discernment themes, ‘How is God calling us to be a Christ-centred church that is’;
- Missionary and Evangelising;
- Inclusive, participatory and Synodal;
- Prayerful and Eucharistic;
- Humble, healing and merciful;
- Joyful, hope-filled and servant community and
- Open to conversion, renewal and reform”.
Melbourne Archbishop Peter Comensoli reflects with pilgrims during a Bishops X-Change. Photo: Iceberg Media. Bishop of Geraldton Michael Morrissey conversed with ACYF 2019 pilgrims during a Bishops’ X-Change session on the topic: A Church that is inclusive, participatory and synodal. Photo: Iceberg Media.
Auxiliary Bishop of Brisbane, Ken Howell and Bishop of Sale, Patrick O’Regan, joined in one of the sessions, discussing how God is calling us to be a Christ-centred Church that is prayerful and Eucharistic.
The session began with a Welcome to Country by the Plenary Council team before pilgrims – who were seated in groups – were allowed to discern and take turns voicing their thoughts and ideas in response to the particular topic.
At the end of the session, the Bishops were invited to give a statement in response to the question.
Bishop Howell said that “there are a great passion and love for the Eucharist and there is both a static and dynamic aspect of the Eucharist”.
Bishop Howell also explained that static reality of the Eucharist happens during adoration and is dynamic when we celebrate the Eucharist in Mass, “united in a common purpose of being God’s people”.
“In the midst of this it’s a prayerful encounter, then we are sent into the world,” Bishop Howell said.
Brisbane Archbishop Mark Coleridge speaks to youth during a Bishops X-Change session at the 2019 ACYF. Photo: Iceberg Media. Sandhurst Bishop Shane McKinley shares some humour with pilgrims during a Bishops X-Change session at the 2019 ACYF. Photo: Iceberg Media.
Bishop O’Regan remarked that “we are all the body of Christ, not just who is at the altar. We are called to communion, in God, in creation – all a gift of Grace”.
“Every moment we are called to be Eucharistic people, not just on how of prayer. God is the source, it’s something you with others and in God,” he said.
In another session on the topic of the Church being a Christ-centred Church that is humble, healing and merciful – attended by Auxiliary Bishop of Perth Donald Sproxton and Bishop of Toowoomba Robert McGuckin – Sophie Hansen, a pilgrim from Prendiville Catholic College, Ocean Reef, WA told The Record that the session helped her to “expand her mindset by listening to feedback from other people”.
“Coming to the session today is a good opportunity for me to meet new people and listen to their opinions on our Catholic community as a whole,” Miss Hansen said.
“This is my first Bishop X-Change session and I think it’s a good idea and this particular one is a successful one because everyone gets a say.
“It is definitely a safe space, because everyone is comfortable to say what he or she is thinking as there is no judgement and no one will be dismissed for saying how he or she feels,” she continued.
Also on pages 14 to 15 of Issue 23: 2019 Australian Catholic Youth Festival: ‘Rebuild of Church’ of The Record Magazine