By Eric Martin and Jamie O’Brien
The fourth Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF) will kick off in just over one week, commencing Sunday 8 December and concluding Tuesday 10 December at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre (PCEC).
The theme – “Listen to what the Spirit is saying” – will be the prime focus for the more than 5000 young people who are coming together to celebrate their faith as they enjoy presentations and performances by world-class speakers such as Katie Prejean McGrady, Fr Rob Galea, Joe Melendrez, and Therese Nichols.
Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB said he is thrilled that the festival is about to commence and that youth from across Australia will be gathering in Perth to live a meaningful three-day experience with God.
“As God called St Francis of Assisi many hundreds of years ago to ‘go and rebuild my Church’, I pray that young people might hear this same calling,” Archbishop Costelloe said.
“I invite the young people attending ACYF to be an active participant in this exciting, faith filled and youthful experience of what being and living Catholic looks like today. I look forward to seeing you all soon!”
A particular highlight of the festival in Perth will be the final Mass at 6pm on Tuesday 10 December at Trinity College with nearly 7000 people expected to attend.
“I invite the Perth Catholic community to come and join with the youth in witnessing what will be an opportunity of faith alive,” Archbishop Costelloe added.
“Now is the time to come together in unity and prayer and it will be a wonderful opportunity to witness the Perth Catholic community in all its vibrancy and enthusiasm.”
Festival-goers will have the opportunity to take part in a short pilgrimage along the Swan River beforehand, commencing at the PCEC and walking through Elizabeth Quay, down Riverside Dr and onto to the college.
Festival-goers are also being encouraged to download the official ACYF 2019 mobile application that was launched on Sunday 24 November and is available on Google Play or the Apple Store.
The app will provide users with a comprehensive guide to the festival and will assist with navigation around the various venues used at the event.