56 years of service to WA Catholics, Fr Geoff Aldous retires at 80

21 Oct 2021

By Amanda Murthy

  • Baldivis Parish Priest of 11 years, Father Geoff Aldous celebrated his 80th birthday and impending retirement with a Mass celebrated with Archdiocese Vicar General Very Rev Fr Peter Whitely VG and Fr Daniel Chama, at the St Teresa of Calcutta Church and a luncheon at the Mother Teresa Catholic College on Sunday 26 September. Photo: Supplied.

Well-known in the Baldivis area as the ‘visiting priest on his push bike’ – routinely visiting the local community from door to door – Baldivis Parish Priest Father Geoff Aldous will officially be a retiree from 24 October, after having served the Archdiocese of Perth for the past 56 years.

“There is no such thing as a retirement for a priest though,” Fr Aldous said with a laugh.

“I will be stepping back, handing the torch to Father Arulraj who will take over as Parish Priest, and my desire after this is to help out at the parishes in the Waikiki area, where I will be based – in the Rockingham, Kwinana, Port Kennedy, and even in the country areas.

“I feel so blessed to have been a part of the Baldivis Parish community. We have a lovely church and more importantly we have a happy and welcoming multicultural community of all ages,” Fr Aldous added.

“I will miss the family and community life most. But I am so glad that the parish is in a good position. I know Fr Arulraj will be supported and welcomed by the community with open arms and that he will carry on the mission of the parish.”

Celebrating his 80th birthday with the Baldivis Parish and Mother Teresa Catholic College (primary) communities in September, Fr Aldous recounted the events adding that he feels incredibly grateful for all the support of the community and for all the love shown throughout the 11 years he has served Baldivis.

“Around 500 people attended a Mass and luncheon at the parish on 26 September, for my 80th birthday and impending retirement. The guestlist included my siblings Wendy, Jill and brother John, some of my nephews and nieces, some good friends from over the years, and of course the parish community at Baldivis.

  • Fr Aldous picture with his late mother Doris ‘Dot’ as a toddler, and a photo from his younger years. Photo: Supplied.

“I think it was a great celebration not just for me, but for the parish. Seeing how welcoming, joyful, and close-knit the community is, definitely was the highlight.”

Raised in the now Floreat Wembley Parish, (Our Lady of Victories Church) Fr Aldous described his family and parish life as a “fulfilling, happy and positive experience.”

“I am the eldest of four children. I served as an altar boy and attended Catholic schools. “Most of my friends were practising Catholics. Our family lived among a strong parish community and a young parish – much like Baldivis has been,” Fr Aldous said.

“When I was 17 years old, there, was a lay man in the parish, who I went to talk to about obtaining a school scholarship. The conversation turned into one of the most important moments of my life, as this man asked if I had ever thought of becoming a priest.

“The seed was there and was lying dormant – I had thought about the priesthood from time to time, but this parishioner gave me the courage and encouragement to pursue my vocation to the priesthood,” he cited.

The St Joseph’s College student was 17 years old when he enrolled at Guildford St Charles’ seminary, then at the Adelaide seminary for four years. On 3 July 1965, Fr Aldous was ordained by former late Bishop of Bunbury Myles McKeon at St Mary’s Cathedral Perth.

At 23 years old, Fr Aldous’ first served as Assistant Priest St Joachim Church in Victoria Park, then worked with the YCS (Young Christian Students) and Catholic Social Apostolate for six years.

“Working with young people was a huge part of my growth and I learned a lot from that experience. I think the experience sparked what is now a big part of my mission which is to encourage lay Catholics to live out the dignity of their vocation, and visiting homes is one of the ways that help me in carrying out that mission,” he explained.

  • Fr Aldous with Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey (left), at the blessing of the Mother Teresa Catholic College first stage during its’ early days, and a photo with the school’s Principal Geri O’Keefe. Photo: Supplied.
  • Fr Aldous with Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey (left), at the blessing of the Mother Teresa Catholic College first stage during its’ early days, and a photo with the school’s Principal Geri O’Keefe. Photo: Supplied.

Fr Aldous went on to serve what eventually became the parish of Gingin-Chittering including the RAAF Pearce, as well as at St Gerard Majella Mirrabooka Parish, St Dominics’ Church Innaloo Karrinyup Parish, Our Lady of the Mission Whitford Parish and the Wheatbelt parishes of Kellerberrin and Northam.

For the next four years, Fr Aldous was seconded to the Diocese of Geraldton, serving at St Francis Xavier Cathedral.

His next and final posting was to foresee the building of the semi-rural but rapidly developing Baldivis Parish, St Teresa of Calcutta Church from November 2010.

“I sum up my experiences by saying, I love the church – I love the people of God and who we are called to be,” Fr Aldous said.

“It has been a joy and privilege to serve the people of God, to work with the communities to build up the kingdom of God.

“I hope all churches will reflect inclusiveness, welcoming and encourage participation in the mission of the church,” he added.

“And I pray that everyone will know that church is there and that the church still cares.”