By Cyrus D’Souza and Kaye Rollinson
“In our lives we share in the victory of Jesus on the Cross, where we inherit eternal life. Until the whole world comes to the foot of the Cross, there is no victory we can boast about.”
This was the challenging message of Fr Varghese Parackal’s homily as he celebrated Mass for the 32nd Annual Congress of Flame Ministries International, held at Trinity College, 14 to 16 January.
Fr Varghese’s message was uncompromising in its call for us to embrace the victory won for us by the Cross, while drawing others to know the love of Christ and His great sacrifice for us.
The title and theme of this year’s Congress was ‘Victory’ with each of the speakers encouraging those present to always be mindful of Jesus’ victory in our lives with hope and joy.
Hope, not as a worldly wish, but as a confident expectation that God is working in our lives for our wellbeing, and joy, which comes from the knowledge that He holds us firmly in his love.
The keynote speaker for the Congress was Shayne Bennett, who has been appointed by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life to the CHARIS International Service of Communion to represent the Region of Oceania.
He is also the Coordinator of the National Service of Communion Australia.
Shayne is the Director of Mission and Faith Formation at the Holy Spirit Seminary in Brisbane and works with parishes, dioceses and universities throughout Australia and across the world.
He spoke directly to the assembly from Brisbane, live streaming via Zoom.
The large screen format ensured everyone present was able to fully experience Shayne’s in-depth sharing of his subjects.
Shayne emphasised how victory in our lives comes through our total surrender to Jesus; only then are we able to be truly set free.
He used many examples of personal witness, events from his own life and experiences which enriched his talks.
He explained how we are all called to holiness and to share with others the victory of Christ – it is important for us to be formed in ourselves so that we can take up the work as missionary disciples.
Fr Varghese Parackal gives his homily during Mass and Flame Ministries International, Senior Director, Cyrus D’Souza, spoke of how our faith in Jesus Christ gives us victory, at the 2022 Congress, held at Trinity College, 14 to 16 January. Photo: Supplied.
He also spoke of our authority in Christ, God has given us power to stand against anything coming against us.
Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey also spoke of our call to share the message of the Gospel. Jesus gave us the Good News and speaks to us through the Gospel; it’s our responsibility to introduce others to Him.
Cyrus D’Souza, Senior Director of FMI, spoke of how our faith in Jesus Christ gives us victory. Our faith allows us to focus on Jesus and not the circumstances that surround us.
He said we are called to run the race, not to compete but to complete.
We are completed by the love of God and we are called to share this love with our enemies. How can we love our enemies if we cannot love our neighbour?
Kaye Rollings, also a Senior Director of FMI, shared the message of John 16:33, ‘In the world you will have trouble and tribulation, but take courage, I have conquered the world’.
She encouraged all participants to write the problems they experience or see around them on a sheet of paper, then come to the front of the room and destroy it in a shredding machine set up for the purpose. This was a powerful reminder of how God shatters any yoke that burdens us and gives us the strength and power to continue to stand in times of trouble.
Flame’s talented music team led power packed praise and worship sessions throughout the weekend.
People shared how the music enhanced for them the knowledge of God’s presence and helped them surrender to Him more fully through the power of His Holy Spirit.