2021 Archdiocesan Marriage Mass to celebrate Sacrament of Matrimony, family life

29 Jul 2021

By Amanda Murthy

Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has invited all married couples, families, and the community to attend the Annual Marriage Day Mass, on Saturday, 28 August, at 10am.

The annual event that took a miss last year due to the pandemic restrictions, will acknowledge couples celebrating a significant milestone anniversary this year, specifically 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 years or more – with a certificate signed by the Archbishop Costelloe and Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton.

In his 2019 homily, Archbishop Costelloe spoke about the ‘healing and hope’ that the Sacrament of Marriage brings to the broken and suffering. Acknowledging some of the challenges faced by the Church today, especially in the area of morality (with the widespread acceptance of abortion and voluntary assisted dying, for example), Archbishop Costelloe cited that “It should be no surprise, then, that at the heart of Christian marriage is the desire and readiness to share in the mystery of God, the life-giver, by creating a family in love, by being always lovingly open to the gift of children, should that be God’s plan.”

Couples celebrating a milestone anniversary can register for a certificate signed and distributed at the Marriage Day Mass on 28 August at the St Mary’s Cathedral. Photo: Ron Tan.

In a video and text released by the Vatican, Pope Francis’ prayer intention for June 2021, focused on the beauty of marriage, inviting everyone to pray for those preparing for marriage, which he said is “a vocation born from the heart.”

“Getting married and sharing one’s life is something beautiful.
It’s a demanding journey, at times difficult, and at times complicated, but it’s worth making the effort. And on this life-long journey, the husband and wife aren’t alone; Jesus accompanies them,” Pope Francis said.

“Marriage isn’t just a “social” act; it’s a vocation that’s born from the heart; it’s a conscious decision for the rest of one’s life that requires specific preparation.

“Please, never forget this. God has a dream for us – love – and He asks us to make it his own. Let us make our own the love which is God’s dream for us,” His Holiness added.

Archbishop Costelloe will be celebrating the Marriage Day Mass on 28 August at the St Mary’s Cathedral. Photo: Ron Tan.

“And let us pray for young people who are preparing for marriage with the support of a Christian community: may they grow in love, with generosity, faithfulness, and patience. Because a great deal of patience is necessary to love. But it’s worth it, eh?”

Couples celebrating a milestone anniversary can register for a certificate at: https://bit.ly/marriagemass2021. Certificate details must be received before 19 August 2021.