The Archdiocesan Safeguarding Office is inviting young people across the Archdiocese to attend the Child Protection Week Mass on Sunday 13 September at St Mary’s Cathedral.
The Mass will be celebrated by Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB and will welcome more than 200 Archdiocesan Safeguarding Officers, representatives from Catholic Education WA (CEWA), Knights of the Southern Cross and Catholic Youth Ministry (CYM), together with the finalists of the 2020 safeguarding competition.
“The Mass aims to highlight and acknowledge the importance of National Child Protection Week which implements the theme putting children first,” Safeguarding Coordinator Barbara Blayney said.
“[The] theme brings to light that we need to listen to the voice of young people in what they need and their priorities on their safety and wellbeing.”
Mrs Blayney also mentioned that it is an opportunity to reflect upon the effort to ensure the “safeguarding of young and vulnerable people”.
“[We need to] ensure that safeguarding and protecting children of God is at the forefront of what the Church does both nationally and within the Archdiocese.
“[It] is an opportunity to celebrate our young people and also pray for those who are needing support and care,” Mrs Blayney said.
“It is both an acknowledgement and time to pray for those who are in need, [as well as an opportunity to raise awareness and our collective responsibility to not only protect but also celebrate the children and young people within our Catholic community.”
Parishes across the Archdiocese of Perth are also being encouraged to celebrate national CPW at a local level to raise awareness on collective responsibility to safeguard children and young people.
New book on protective behaviours set to be launched next month
A new book, written and produced by Safeguarding Director Andrea Musulin, in consultation with Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) Child Safe Team and Justine O’Malley – with the generous support from the Knights of the Southern Cross (WA) – is also set to be launched following the Mass on 13 September.
Titled God Gave Elizabeth Grace the Right to Feel Safe, the storybook is dedicated to children aged four to 11, and is the first of its kind in Australia.
“The book is targeted at parents and primary school students and is based on the themes and core concepts of the internationally acclaimed protective behaviours program. It complements our previous resource ‘Protecting God’s Children’,” Mrs Musulin said.
The winner of the safeguarding competition, which is currently ongoing, will also be announced after the close Mass.