By Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton
The Resurrection of Jesus is the central event that gives rise to our faith. St Paul was overcome with joy and wonder when he wrote that, if Christ is not risen, then our faith is in vain.
I have often thought about the power of the faith in the death and Resurrection of Christ, and how it was so real to the first Christians. The Apostles, almost to a man, were prepared to give up their lives for the faith. You would have to be crazy to die for an unfounded hope. No, they gave their lives in witness to what they had seen when they encountered the Risen Lord. Death had lost its sting. Jesus had defeated the powers over death.
Easter for us, in this Jubilee Year of Mercy, has a special significance. As we celebrate the events of Holy Week, we are drawn to meditate on how the mercy of the Father was shown to us. No one except the Son of God could lift the burden of sin from our shoulders. No one could crush sin and its demeaning effects in us, except the Son of God. There can be no greater sign given to us of the love and mercy of God. The Father sent His Son to redeem us.
Let us meditate on so great a mystery so that we may be caught up in the same joy and wonder of St Paul. May our reflection in Holy Week and the season of Easter have the power to enlarge our capacity to be merciful, understanding of one another and ready to forgive. The new life of Easter has the power to make of each of us outstanding images of the Merciful Father.
May the Risen Lord bless you and your families in this glorious time.