The very successful Geraldton diocesan Camino San Francisco is set to go for 27 and 28 August 2016.
Some 30 people were last year elated with the two-day Camino walk from Our Lady of Ara Coeli Church, Northampton to St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral, Geraldton via Nabawa and Nanson.
This year’s Camino will be equally elating, starting from St James’ Church, Kojarena to St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral, Geraldton via Tibradden, Ellendale Pool, Walkaway and the Greenough Hamlet.
Unlike last year’s Camino, the 2016 Camino San Francisco will involve pilgrims cycling the two-day journey.
Geraldton diocese Director of Heritage, Fr Robert Cross, who initiated the Camino in 2015, said the Camino San Francisco focuses on the world-famous heritage of Monsignor Hawes as well as local historical places.
“The occasion is about celebrating and owning our heritage and bringing it ‘alive’,” he said.
“Heritage and culture is about identity. It tells us who we are, where we have come from. It is never static, always evolving.”
Fr Robert added that one of the quickest growing tourism markets today is cultural heritage tourism.
“Here, in the mid-west, we are already experiencing a boom in this regard,” Fr Cross said.
“Only last Sunday, we had 800 people from a cruise ship go through St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral, and more than 20,000 people visit this icon annually.
“The Cathedral here in Geraldton is listed as among the world’s top 83 cathedrals and is authoritatively described as one of the finest cathedrals built in the 20th century.
“The Camino San Francisco is just one way we can realise the potential of the international treasure of Monsignor Hawes’ heritage and help grow our mid-west community economically, culturally and spiritually,” he said.
Given the success of the 2015 Camino, the growing popularity of cultural heritage tourism and cycling, Fr Robert expects places in this year’s Camino to fill quickly and urges people to register as soon as possible to ensure their participation.
For more information about the Camino, go to www.geraldtondiocese.org.au/camino-home.