By Jamie O’Brien
Having a lifelong Christian marriage is not just an ideal for a select few, but something that can be possible for all, Pope Francis has said.
Speaking to the tribunal of the Roman Rota at the end of June, Pope Francis reminded them of their two important roles: first, as the tribunal of the family, and second, as the tribunal of the truth of the sacred bond.
These two aspects, the Pope said, are complementary.
“The Church, in fact, can show the indefectible merciful love of God to families, in particular those wounded by sin and by the trials of life and, at the same time, proclaim the inalienable truth of marriage according to God’s plan,” the Pope said, noting this service is entrusted primarily to the Pope and the bishops.
Married couples across the Archdiocese will THIS SATURDAY have a special opportunity to have their marriage vows blessed and renewed by Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton at the Annual Archdiocesan Marriage Day Mass.
The Annual Marriage Day Mass will be celebrated at St Mary’s Cathedral on Saturday, 13 August at 10am. Couples celebrating a significant anniversary this year, specifically 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 or 70 years, will also receive a certificate from the bishops to commemorate the special milestone in their marriage.
Director of Catholic Marriage and Fertility Services, Derek Boylen, recalled the words of Pope Francis, who spoke about marriage and family during the recent Synod of Bishops.
“During that recent Synod on the Family, Pope Francis said ‘the family, founded on indissoluble, unitive and procreative marriage, belongs to God’s ‘dream’ and that of His Church for the salvation of humanity,” Mr Boylen said.
Pope Francis went on to say that through the means of marriage and the family, God has wisely united two of the greatest human realities: the mission to transmit life and the mutual and legitimate love of man and woman “by which they are called to complete one another in a mutual donation, which is not only physical but above all spiritual.”