Australian and NZ fans of ‘The Chosen’ Can Experience Episodes of Season 4 in Cinema Starting February 1, 2024
The groundbreaking historical drama The Chosen – one of the most watched shows in the world – has just announced Season 4 episodes will be released exclusively in cinemas across Australia and New Zealand.
The Chosen is an independent production written, directed, and produced by Dallas Jenkins and is distributed globally by Lionsgate.
The streaming-TV show, whichhas become a cultural phenomenon with impressive performance across platforms such as Amazon Prime and Netflix, announced its Season 4 theatrical release plan to thousands of avid fans at “The Chosen Insiders Conference” in Dallas, TX, including a first look at The Chosen: Season 4 teaser trailer.

This will be an exclusive two-episode release in cinemas for Australian and New Zealand fans of The Chosen. Previous season launches have seen thousands gather to watch in private events, while the full series has hundreds of thousands of streams in Australia alone.
“Every time we’ve dipped our toes in the theatrical waters, viewers have overwhelmingly told us they want more. After seeing the Season 4 episodes, we knew we’d be doing our fans a disservice if we denied them the chance to see them on a big screen with others they can laugh and cry with,” said The Chosen’s creator and director, Dallas Jenkins.
Clashing kingdoms. Rival rulers. The enemies of Jesus close in while His followers struggle to keep up, leaving Him to carry the burden alone. Season 4 promises to deliver where last season’s emotional walking on water finale left off.
The rollout of Season 4 in cinemas across the country will begin with premiere episodes on 1 February 2024. The Chosen will then announce the debut across streaming platforms including The Chosen TV and mobile apps, broadcast and cable TV.
What began as a pioneering crowd-funded project has now evolved into a global sensation with more than 10 million social media followers. Due to the efforts of the Come and See Foundation, The Chosen is on pace to be the most translated series in history, as the first three seasons will soon be available in 50 languages with plans to subtitle in more than 600.
The Chosen is a testament to the power of independent production, with Dallas Jenkins serving as writer, director, and producer. Lionsgate is the show’s global television distributor.
Watch past episodes of The Chosen at
About The Chosen
The Chosen is a groundbreaking historical drama based on the life of Jesus (Jonathan Roumie), seen through the eyes of those who knew him. Set against the backdrop of Roman oppression in first-century Israel, the seven-season show shares an authentic and intimate look at Jesus’ revolutionary life and teachings. Season four premieres in theatres 1 February 2024.
The Chosen is one of the most-watched shows in the world, consistently a top performer across streaming platforms Amazon Prime, Peacock, and Netflix and a top-rated broadcast weekly on The CW. What started as a crowd-funded project has now garnered over 600-million-episode views and more than 10 million social media followers.