Indulgence on offer for a grace-filled year of Faith

07 Dec 2012

By Fr John Flader

A friend mentioned that he had read that there were special indulgences for the Year of Faith but could not remember what they were. Can you help us?

The special indulgences were granted in a Decree issued by the Apostolic Penitentiary of the Holy See on September 14, 2012.

It was signed by Cardinal Manuel Monteiro de Castro, the Major Penitentiary, whom many Australians will remember as the secretary of the Apostolic Nunciature in Canberra from 1975 to 1978. He was appointed Major Penitentiary on January 5, 2012.

The Apostolic Penitentiary is one of the three tribunals of the Roman Curia and is responsible for matters relating to indulgences and the forgiveness of sins.

Among its areas of competence is the absolution of excommunications latae sententiae reserved to the Holy See, including the direct violation of the seal of confession, of which I wrote in a recent column.

The Decree quotes Pope Benedict’s Apostolic Letter Porta Fidei, which mentioned that the Year of Faith is “a time of spiritual grace that the Lord offers us, in recalling the precious gift of faith” (PF 8).

Thus the Year of Grace in Australia complements the Year of Faith in the universal Church, and it is important to take advantage of all the graces God will give us during this year.

One great source of grace is the special indulgences offered by the Church. As the Decree states, “Because it is above all a question of developing to the highest degree – insofar as it is possible on this earth – holiness of life and hence of obtaining, in the highest degree, purity of soul, very useful will be the great gift of indulgences …”

The Decree states that all the faithful will be able to gain plenary indulgences throughout the Year of Faith which extends from October 11, 2012 to November 24, 2013, if they are “truly repentant, duly confessed, communing sacramentally, and who pray according to the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff”.

As usual, the indulgences can be applied to the souls of the faithful departed.

As I explained in an earlier column on indulgences (cf J Flader, Question Time 1, Connor Court 2008, 2012, q 81), when gaining the indulgence the person must be in the state of grace, must receive sacramental Communion preferably on the same day but at least a few days before or after, go to sacramental Confession some days before or after, and pray for the intentions of the Pope.

How can one gain the special plenary indulgences for the Year of Faith? The Decree lists four ways, and the indulgence can be gained each time the person does them:

a)  Take part in at least three instances of preaching during a Mission, or at least three classes or talks on the documents of the Second Vatican Council or the Catechism of the Catholic Church;

b)  Visit by way of pilgrimage a Papal Basilica, a Christian catacomb, a cathedral or other church designated by the local bishop for the Year of Faith, and take part there in some sacred function; or at least pray there for some time, concluding with the Our Father, the profession of Faith in any approved form, and prayers to Our Lady and the patron saints of the place;

c)  Participate in a solemn celebration of the Eucharist or Liturgy of the Hours in any sacred place on the days determined by the local bishop, adding the Profession of Faith in any approved form;

d)  Visit the place of one’s own baptism and renew there the baptismal promises, using any approved formula.

In addition, diocesan bishops and bishops of the Eastern rites can impart the papal blessing with a plenary indulgence on a day to be chosen by them for the principal celebration of the Year of Faith. Each person should consult his or her own diocese for these places and dates.

Those who for serious reasons are unable to attend these celebrations can gain the plenary indulgence if, united in spirit to those present at them, they recite an Our Father, Profession of Faith and other prayers in keeping with the objective of the Year of Faith, offering up their sufferings or discomfort.

So the Church makes readily available these special sources of grace in the Year of Faith and we should take advantage of them.