By Cindy Wooden
The Rev. Nikolaus Schneider would not guess what impact the election of Pope Francis would have on the search for Christian unity, but the head of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany said his meeting with the new pope left him hopeful.
Rev. Schneider had been scheduled months ago to meet with Pope Benedict XVI during an early April trip to Rome. Instead, he had about 30 minutes with Pope Francis April 8 in the papal library in the Apostolic Palace.
“I hope a pope who shows himself so close to the poor and the suffering also shows his understanding of couples who share everything except Communion,” he told reporters. In a country where tens of thousands of Catholics are married to Protestants, broader permission to receive Communion in each other’s churches is something many people have been seeking for years.
“I had the impression he will give priority to the pastoral aspect of his ministry, which I do as well,” Rev. Schneider said.
The Lutheran pastor praised the former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger for his important contributions to the 1999 Catholic-Lutheran theological agreement on justification, the dispute at the heart of the Protestant Reformation; and he described as “historic” Pope Benedict’s decision in 2011 to visit the former Augustinian monastery where Luther lived until 1511.
But he said the German-born pope also “offended” Protestants when, as head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in 2000 he insisted Protestant communities were not “churches in the proper sense” because they have not preserved apostolic succession among their bishops nor a traditional understanding of the mystery of the Eucharist.
In the run-up to Pope Benedict’s visit to Germany in 2011, hopes had been raised that he either would lift the 500-year-old excommunication of Martin Luther or would make it much easier for a Lutheran married to a Catholic to receive communion in the Catholic Church.
Pope Benedict knew of the expectations. In the Augustinian monastery where Luther had lived, the pope said conjecture about him making an “ecumenical gift” demonstrated a “political misreading of faith and of ecumenism.”
Progress in Christian unity is not like negotiating a treaty, he told his fellow Germans. Ecumenism will advance when Christians enter more deeply into their shared faith and profess it more openly in society, he said.
Rev. Schneider said he expects the emphasis on Christian unity being built on a common faith in Christ to continue under Pope Francis, and he hopes that it also can be the basis for joint a Catholic-Lutheran celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation in 2017.
But Catholic leaders, including Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, have questioned the extent to which the communities can or should “celebrate” an event that caused a major divide among Christians and, in Europe, led to bloodshed.
Rev. Schneider told reporters that Protestants regret the “death and division” that followed the Reformation, “but the motive wasn’t the theses of Luther — he wanted a return to Christ and to the Bible, and we can’t help but rejoice over that.”
Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman, said the two leaders’ conversation about ecumenism “also focused particularly on the value of the ‘ecumenism of the martyrs,’ which the pope gives particular weight to, knowing the suffering” shared by Catholics and Protestants who refused to betray their Christian faith under the Nazis in Germany.
“The blood spilled by the martyrs is something that profoundly unites different Christian confessions in a common witness of Christ,” Father Lombardi said. – CNS