Pope urges global aid for drought-struck Africa

27 Jul 2011

By The Record

Benedict XVI expresses ‘deep concern’ for east Africans caught in worst drought in 60 years.



A woman holds her baby outside a tent serving as a medical clinic established by the African Union peacekeeping operation in in Mogadishu, Somalia, on 16 July. Photo: CNS.


Pope Benedict XVI urged the international community to deliver urgent
humanitarian aid to the drought-stricken Horn of Africa, especially
Somalia, where tens of thousands have fled drought and famine.
The Pope, addressing pilgrims at his summer residence outside Rome on 17
July, said he had been following news of the region’s humanitarian
catastrophe with “deep concern.”
UN experts say the prolonged drought, combined with a rise in food
prices, have forced many families to make long and often deadly overland
treks to reach refugee camps.
“Innumerable people are fleeing from that tremendous famine in search of
food and assistance. I hope the international community will increase
its efforts to quickly send aid to our sorely tested brothers and
sisters, among them many children …Our solidarity and the concrete
assistance of all people of good will should not be lacking,” he said.
On 16 July, the Vatican announced it was making an initial aid
contribution of 50,000 euros ($70,000) for the victims of the crisis in
Somalia. The funds were sent in the Pope’s name from the Pontifical
Council Cor Unum to Bishop Giorgio Bertin of Djibouti, who also serves
as apostolic administrator of Mogadishu, Somalia.
Most of those fleeing Somalia have headed toward refugee camps in
Ethiopia and Kenya, walking across a barren landscape in journeys that
have taken more than a month. Many mothers arriving in the camps have
described losing children along the way to disease and malnutrition.
The drought in eastern Africa has been reported as the worst in 60
years, and UN officials say it has placed the lives of 11 million people
at risk. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on 17 July that
UN.agencies have requested $1.6 billion to pay for life-saving
programmes in the region, but so far have reached only half that amount.