Neocatechumenal Way requests opening sainthood cause of co-founder

29 Jul 2021

By The Record

Carmen Hernandez, a lady in the later years of her life, stands at a podium, speaking into three microphones  in a large auditorium. Kiko Arguello is behind her.
Members of the Neocatechumenal Way have asked Madrid Archbishop Cardinal Carlos Osoro Sierra to open the sainthood cause of their co-founder, Carmen Hernández. Hernandez, with co-founder Kiko Arguello, is seen speaking at the 2008 Vocational Meeting in Sydney, Australia. Photo: Jamie O’Brien.

Members of the Neocatechumenal Way formally presented to the Archbishop of Madrid a request to open the sainthood cause of their co-founder, Carmen Hernández.

Cardinal Carlos Osoro Sierra of Madrid celebrated Mass in the city’s cathedral on 19 July, the fifth anniversary of her death.

Church rules require a waiting period of five years before opening a sainthood cause.

The process begins on a local level in the diocese where a candidate died.

The initial stages include collecting the writings and speeches of the candidate and interviewing witnesses who knew the person.

The information forms the basis of the “positio” or position paper, which is forwarded to the Vatican Congregation for Saints’ Causes.

When the cardinals and bishops who are members of the congregation are satisfied that the “positio” is complete and demonstrates that the sainthood candidate lived an extraordinarily holy life, they recommend the pope sign a decree recognising the candidate heroically lived a life of Christian virtue.

Members of the Neocatechumenal Way have asked the archbishop of Madrid to open the sainthood cause of the organization’s co-founder, Carmen Hernández. Hernández is pictured in an undated photo. (CNS photo/courtesy Neocatechumenal Way)
Members of the Neocatechumenal Way have asked the archbishop of Madrid to open the sainthood cause of the organization’s co-founder, Carmen Hernández. Hernández is pictured in an undated photo. (CNS photo/courtesy Neocatechumenal Way)

Once the promoter of a cause identifies a potential miracle attributed to the candidate’s intercession, the documentation also is turned over to the Congregation for Saints’ Causes.

A panel of physicians, a panel of theologians and the members of the congregation all must recommend the pope sign a second decree recognising the miracle before a date can be sent for the beatification ceremony.

Carmen Hernández and Kiko Argüello founded the Neocatechumenal Way, a parish-based faith formation way of life, in the 1960s to deepen people’s faith and evangelise those normally excluded by society.

Born in Olvega, Spain, on 24 November 1930, Hernández received a degree in chemistry and worked for a time at a major food company founded and run by her family.

However, she soon left to join the Missionaries of Christ Jesus to do mission work abroad. She also received a degree in theology.

Inspired by the work of the Second Vatican Council, Hernández then spent two years in Israel deepening her understanding of Scripture and the importance of catechesis before returning to Madrid where she met Argüello and laid the foundations for the first Neocatechumenal community.

Carlos Metola, postulator or promoter of the sainthood cause of Carmen Hernández, co-founder of the Neocatechumenal Way, presents to Cardinal Carlos Osoro Sierra of Madrid the “Supplex Libellus” (written request) that the sainthood process for her be formally opened. The presentation occurred during a Mass July 19, 2021, in Madrid’s cathedral. (CNS photo/courtesy Archdiocese of Madrid)