INTERNATIONAL: Pope Francis: Prepare for Christ’s birth by recognising mistakes, sowing peace

13 Dec 2018

By The Record

Pope Francis is pictured through the Christmas tree as he leads the Angelus from the window of his studio overlooking St Peter’s Square at the Vatican on 8 December, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Photo: Paul Haring/CNS.

By Carol Glatz

Advent is a time for people to think about what they can change about themselves so that they can sow the seeds of peace, justice and fraternity in their daily lives, Pope Francis preached.

The Advent season is a call for personal conversion, “humbly recognising our mistakes, our infidelities, our failure” to do one’s duty, he said on 9 December before praying the Angelus with visitors gathered in St Peter’s Square.

Celebrating the second Sunday of Advent, the Holy Father said the attitudes of vigilance and prayer that characterise the Advent season and preparations for Christmas include a journey of conversion.

“Let each one of us think, how can I change something about my behaviour in order to prepare the way of the Lord?”

Preparing the way entails making straight “his paths. Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill shall be made low,” Pope Francis added, citing the day’s Gospel reading according to St Luke.

A firefighter places a wreath on a tall statue of Mary overlooking the Spanish Steps in Rome on 8 December, the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Rome's firefighters have observed the tradition every year since 1857. Photo: Paul Haring/CNS.

A firefighter places a wreath on a tall statue of Mary overlooking the Spanish Steps in Rome on 8 December, the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Rome’s firefighters have observed the tradition every year since 1857. Photo: Paul Haring/CNS.

Pope Francis said to think of the valleys as being the result of indifference and cold-heartedness. Filling them, he said, requires reaching out to others – like Jesus did – with warmth and attentive care and concern for their needs.

Hills that need levelling, he said, are the bitter, harsh obstacles of pride and arrogance.

What is needed here is reconciliation and asking for forgiveness for one’s mistakes, he said. Even though taking the first step is not easy, “the Lord helps us in this, if we are of goodwill”.

“We cannot give up in the face of negative situations of closure and refusal,” Pope Francis expressed: “we must not let ourselves be subdued by the world’s mind-set because the centre of our life is Jesus and his word of light, love and consolation”.

Pope Francis waves as he leads the Angelus from the window of his studio overlooking St Peter’s Square on 9 December at the Vatican. Photo: Riccardo Antimiani/EPA.

St John the Baptist, he said, invited the people around him to conversion “with strength, vigour and severity. Nonetheless he knew how to listen”, how to act with tenderness and be forgiving.

“Today, as well, Christ’s disciples are called to be his humble but courageous witnesses in order to rekindle hope, to make it understood that, despite everything, the kingdom of God continues to be built day by day with the power of the Holy Spirit.”

People must pray for help in preparing the way of the Lord: “beginning with ourselves and for spreading around us seeds of peace, justice and fraternity with steadfast patience,” he said.