Francis: ‘Inspired by Gospel, Christians need to be active in society’

22 Oct 2020

By The Record

By Carol Glatz

The mission of the Church and all Christians is to proclaim and live the Gospel in daily life, Pope Francis has expressed.

“Each one of us, by virtue of baptism, is called to be an active presence in society, inspiring it with the Gospel and with the lifeblood of the Holy Spirit,” he stated.

Before reciting the Angelus prayer on 18 October, the pontiff reflected on the day’s Gospel reading (Mt 22:15-21) in which the Pharisees sought to trap Jesus with the question about whether it was lawful to pay a tax to Caesar, the leader of the Roman Empire, which had control over the Mediterranean region.

Aware of the Pharisees’ evil intentions, Jesus asked them to observe whose image was on the coin and because it was Caesar’s, he said: “Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God”.

Pope Francis greets the crowd as he leads the Angelus from the window of his studio overlooking St Peter’s Square at the Vatican on 18 October 2020. The Holy Father urged Christians to be active in society, inspired by the Gospel. Photo: Vatican Media/CNS.

Pope Francis said this shows how Jesus not only avoided their trap but also describes “the criteria for the distinction between the political sphere and the religious sphere, and gives clear guidelines for the mission of all believers for all times, also for us today”.

“Paying taxes is a duty for all citizens, just as is complying with the just laws of a nation.”

But at the same time, “it is necessary to affirm God’s primacy in human life and in history”, the Holy Father said, “respecting God’s right over that which belongs to him”.

Christians are asked to be engaged in society “with humility and, at the same time, with courage, making their contribution to building the civilisation of love, where justice and fraternity reign”.

Pope Francis prayed Mary would help “all of us to flee from all hypocrisy and to be honest and constructive citizens. And may she sustain us, disciples of Christ, in the mission to bear witness that God is the centre and the meaning of life”.

After the formal prayer, Pope Francis reminded everyone that the Church was celebrating World Mission Sunday, a day on which Catholics are asked to show their support of missionaries around the world through prayer, reflection and material contributions.

He also expressed his joy and gratitude for the liberation of Father Pierluigi Maccalli, a member of the Society of African Missions, who had been kidnapped in Niger in 2018. He and three other hostages were released in Mali after being held captive for more than two years.

“Let us keep praying for missionaries and catechists and also for those who are persecuted or abducted in different parts of the world,” Pope Francis concluded.