‘Dream big,’ take small steps for peace each day, Pope Francis tells students

01 Dec 2022

By Contributor

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service

Pope Francis greets children
Pope Francis gives students a thumbs up as he leaves an audience with young people and teachers participating in Italy’s National Network of Schools for Peace. At the audience, Monday 28 November, 2022, Pope Francis told the young people to “dream big” like St John XXIII and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Photo: CNS/Vatican Media.

Pope Francis has this week told Italian students to “dream big” like St John XXIII and the Rev Martin Luther King Jr about the world of peace and justice they would like to see.

And at the same time, he wished them a good Advent journey “made up of many small gestures of peace each day: gestures of acceptance, encounter, understanding, closeness, forgiveness and service. Gestures that come from the heart and are steps toward Bethlehem, toward Jesus, who is the prince of peace.”

Pope Francis met with the more than 6,000 Italian schoolchildren, teens and their teachers, who have been participating in the program of the National Network of Schools for Peace on Monday 28 November.

The program is focusing on the theme, “For Peace. With Care,” and Pope Francis told them that the second part is essential.

“Usually, we talk about peace when we feel directly threatened, as in the case of a possible nuclear attack or a war being fought on our doorstep,” Pope Francis said. And “we care about the rights of migrants when we have some relative or friend who has migrated.”

Students give Pope Francis paper flowers as he leaves an audience with young people and teachers participating in Italy’s National Network of Schools for Peace. At the audience, Monday 28 November, the Holy Father told the young people to “dream big” like St John XXIII and the Rev Martin Luther King Jr. Photo: CNS/Vatican Media.

But even when war is not near or threatening someone known, “peace is always, always about us! Just as it always concerns another, our brother or sister, and he or she must be taken care of,” the pope told the students.

That kind of concern is shown by people who have won the Nobel Peace Prize, he said, but also by many “unknown people who quietly work for this cause.”

Pope Francis said he wanted to draw the students’ attention to two important witnesses to peace: St John and Rev King.

In the early 1960s, a time “marked by strong tensions – the building of the Berlin Wall, the Cuban missile crisis, the Cold War and the nuclear threat” – St John published his “famous and prophetic encyclical, Pacem in Terris.”

Flavio Lotti, coordinator of Italy’s National Network of Schools for Peace, gives Pope Francis one of the notebooks students in the network use for writing their ideas for ways to make peace each day. Pope Francis met with about 6,000 students and teachers, Monday 28 November, 2022, in the Vatican audience hall. Photo: CNS/Vatican Media

While the document was released in 1962, “it is very timely,” Pope Francis said.

“Pope John addressed all people of goodwill, calling for the peaceful resolution of all wars through dialogue and disarmament. It was a call that received great attention in the world, far beyond the Catholic community, because he had grasped something all humanity needed, which is still the case today.”

Pope Francis told them that a few months after the publication of Pacem in Terris, Rev. King, “another prophet of our time,” delivered his famous speech, “I have a dream.”

“In an American context heavily marked by racial discrimination, he made everyone dream with the idea of a world of justice, freedom and equality,” the pope said, quoting a line from the speech: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colon of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Flavio Lotti, coordinator of Italy’s National Network of Schools for Peace, gestures as Pope Francis looks on during an audience in the Vatican with some 6,000 students and teachers from all over Italy, Monday 28 November, 2022. Photo: CNS/Vatican Media.

Then Pope Francis asked the youngsters, “What is your dream for the world of today and tomorrow? I encourage you to dream big, like John XXIII and Martin Luther King.”

The Holy Father also encouraged them to consider joining other young people for World Youth Day in Portugal in early August to meet young people “from all over the world, all united by the dream of fraternity based on faith in the God who is peace, the father of Jesus Christ and our father.”