By Anthony Barich

Archbishop Barry Hickey ordained Christian Webb to the Diaconate on 20 December at Ballajura Parish Church.
Webb, born in 1969, started his studies at St Charles Seminary in Guildford before attending the Pontifical Beda College in Rome, which was established in 1852 to form older men, often convert clergymen, for Catholic priesthood.
He then returned for pastoral placement in Ballajura with Parish Priest Fr John Jegorow.
Webb, who was baptised at Claremont Parish, is on his way to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Perth.
Archbishop Hickey told Webb during his homily that, like the men the Apostles chose as deacons for works of charity, “you should be a man of good reputation, filled with wisdom and the Holy Spirit”.
“Show God and all people that you are above every suspicion of blame, true ministers of Christ and God’s mysteries; a man firmly rooted in the faith,” Archbishop Hickey said.
“Never turn from the hope which the Gospel offers; now you must not only listen to God’s Word but also preach it. Hold the mysteries of faith with a clear conscience.
“Express in action what you proclaim by word of mouth. Then the people of Christ, brought to life by the Spirit, will be an offering God accepts. Finally, on the last day, when you go to meet the Lord, you will hear Him say: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord’.”