By Olivia Bunter
Fr Christopher Collins SJ will be the guest of the University of Notre Dame Fremantle and Sydney campuses as part of their upcoming Public Lecture Series where he will discuss spirituality, society and daily life.
The Jesuit Priest from St Louis University, Missouri USA, Fr Collins serves in the role of Assistant to the President, Mission and Identity, providing executive-level leadership for fostering and promoting the university’s Catholic faith and mission.
Fr Collins will speak at a variety of seminars, beginning with a discussion for Catholic Agencies and the Notre Dame community on “Spiritual Growth: When Life Gets Hard”.
There will also be a special book launch for Notre Dame Theologian, Professor Tracey Rowland, who has previously offered several talks in Perth and is well-known throughout the local Catholic community.
Prof Rowland said her new book, titled Portraits of Spiritual Nobility, is a collection of short articles that have already been published in Catholic newspapers over the past decade as well as some lectures that had not been published but which were delivered for a popular non-academic audience.
She continued to explain that, as a collection, it showcases the life and works of what she describes as “some very outstanding Catholic heroes and saints”.
“My major objective in bringing all the pieces together was to produce a book that would make people feel hopeful about the Church when then read it.”
The book explores the mysteries of the Catholic Faith and how they can be translated into real life models of spiritual nobility.
“It’s not like my other 5 books which all deal with theology at a high academic level, but rather ‘inspirational’.”
Professor Rowlands said that she and Fr Collins previously met at a conference at Omaha Nebraska.
“I am looking forward to the launch with Fr Collins,” Prof Rowland said.
Thursday 25 July, 10am, Michael Keating Room
Seeking God in All Things: Spiritual Growth When Life Gets Hard
Seminar for all Notre Dame Staff and employees of Catholic agencies.
Thursday 25 July, 5:30pm, Michael Keating Room
Portraits of Spiritual Nobility: Book Launch
Launch of Professor Tracey Rowland’s new book for members of the Notre Dame and wider community.
Tuesday 30 July, 5:30pm, Santa Maria Lecture Theatre
Three Moments a Day: Spirituality and the Challenges of Daily Life
Public lecture for members of the Notre Dame and wider community
Wednesday 31 July, Mass 5:30pm, Holy Hour 6:30pm, Presentation 7:30pm, Catholic Pastoral Centre
The Life of St Ignatius: Insights for Spiritual Growth Today
Catholic Youth Ministry Winter Warmers Series for Young Adults
Thursday 1 August, 9am – 3pm Cost $100
A Day on Hope Discernment
Professional development seminar for teachers and employees of Catholic agencies
For further information visit www.notredame.edu.au/events or contact Campus Ministry on campusministry@nd.edu.au or on (08) 9433 0763.