Iona students empathise with homeless folk

04 Oct 2018

By The Record

Gemma Thomson and Year 12 student Emma Paterson. Photo: Supplied.

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin.

The students of Iona Presentation College have taken action on the community issue of homelessness.

Iona Head of Religious Education Gemma Thomson wanted her students to understand the issue of youth homelessness in particular.

She said the aim of the campaign was to touch their hearts, inform their minds, and transform their actions.

“Students are vital in driving, leading and creating change in our modern society. The young people of today are the future of tomorrow. It is essential that as educators we provide them with a moral compass by which to conduct their lives”, Ms Thomson expressed.

It was for this reason that Ms Thomson developed an inquiry-based “Presentation Faith in Action” project that immersed her Year 11 students in the topic of youth homelessness.

“Modelled on the Presentation values of Excellence, Community, Social Justice, Love of Learning, Integrity and Tradition, students will come to understand that social justice is all about us, as a community, recognising and acting upon the power that we have for making positive change,” she added.

“Real-world problems, multiple perspectives and emotional connections between students and social justice issues are at the heart of the ‘Presentation Faith in Action’ programme.”

The objective of the project was to increase awareness of homelessness as a social justice issue in the local, national and global world; encouraging students to have a sensitivity to justice and act as agents of social change.

“We wanted to motivate our students to actively partake in Christian discipleship beyond our College walls,” Ms Thomson said.

“We also saw the project as a way of educating the students in a didactic teaching and learning method; allowing the students to make a link with the subject, before moving into the Catholic response to the issue and finally, to find a way to take action.”

The three core project components developed the students’ understanding of youth homelessness in Australian society, made them consider the Catholic Church’s response to homelessness as a social justice issue, and empowering student voice to the issue by making change and taking action.

Students looked at how homelessness was depicted in the media, carried their learning to the “outside world”, discussing the issue with parents, peers and the local community, and brainstormed ways they could be agents of social change.

Iona student Briana said the project provided her with an increased awareness of this social issue and now believes she has a sense of understanding.

“I knew little about homelessness and even less about its large status in the youth of today. Now, I have a greater awareness of youth homelessness, allowing me to make informed opinions and participate in conversations about this topic,” the youngster said.

“Before, when thinking about this issue, there was a sense of detachment as it always seemed as though it didn’t affect me. This project has helped me to feel considerably more compassion for those affected by homelessness.

“I have really enjoyed learning about this issue and exploring how we can put an end to youth homelessness in Australia.”