Hosted by the National Catholic Education Commission, the Australian Catholic Education Symposium is held online in October to celebrate World Teachers Day and aims to engage Catholic system and school leaders, educators and staff in topics of interest to stimulate professional dialogue in their communities.
As part of this year’s campaign, ACN invites children to meditate on the biblical passage in which St Joseph is warned by an angel, in a dream, to leave immediately for Egypt.
Caritas-Spes Ukraine employees were unharmed, but the warehouse with everything inside burned to the ground, including 33 pallets of food packages, 10 pallets of hygiene kits and canned food, 10 pallets of generators and clothes are confirmed as destroyed.
Following the format of the initial response, the new report lists each relevant Royal Commission recommendation, the response that was given in 2018 and a high-level summary of work undertaken in the five years since.
Work should be, the statement from St Vincent De Paul Society explained, for the common good, with employees treated as people first and not units of labour to be used for purely economic ends.
An ecumenical celebration, the Season of Creation is an opportunity for us all to express our shared commitment to the environment, with this year’s theme being ‘Let Justice and Peace Flow.’
This year’s statement, Listen, Learn, Love: A New Engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, was launched in Western Sydney on Thursday morning by Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv, Chair of the Bishops Commission for Social Justice, Mission and Service.
The tour by delegates from the ACBC of war-torn Ukraine at the invitation of Ukrainian Bishop Mykola Bychok CSsR took place from 8 to 11 August and was an important opportunity to witness first-hand the human experience of the damage and destruction.
St John of God Health Care has opened two new Head to Health adult mental health services in Gosnells and Mirrabooka to provide free advice, support and, if needed, assessment and treatment for people in these communities experiencing stress, anxiety and other mental health and wellbeing concerns.
More than a dozen residents, and a number of lucky staff, were captivated throughout the 45-minute performance, which saw a spectacular string ensemble perform an intimate concert of exhilarating and joyful music.