ACN Director Bernard Toutounji emphasised the organisation’s primary focus on enabling Christians to remain in their homes in the Holy Land and the Middle East.
Australian Ambassador to the Holy See, Chiara Porro has this month joined with Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans Executive Officer Christine Carolan in promoting the launch of its 16 Days of Activism campaign, which focusses on women migrant workers vulnerable to exploitation.
National Catholic Education Executive director Jacinta Collins has said there is also no ‘parity’ in school capital funding with Catholic school families and communities contributing nearly 90 per cent to build and maintain school facilities.
During an address to Australian bishops, Archbishop Gallagher said Pope Francis encouraged the Church in Australia to “hold on to hope and dream of a Church which is responsive to the needs of people, while fulfilling its calling to offer the consolation of the Resurrection and authentic solidarity to those who suffer”.
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It is with great sorrow that Caritas Australia reports the loss of a 26-year-old Caritas Jerusalem lab technician Viola, who lost her life alongside her toddler and husband, with her sister and her two children also among the casualties.
Darwin Bishop Gauci said while the debate leading up to the referendum was “intense and, at times, challenging”, there was an “overwhelming consensus […] that more should be done to address the injustice experienced by so many First Nations people”.
Newly ordained Little Eucharistic Brothers of the Divine Will Fr John Joseph LEB said that in the lead up to his priestly ordination, he was conscious of the momentous shift it would constitute in his life.