Catholic Earthcare, Catholic Religious Australia and Catholic Mission will soon release the second book in The Francis Effect series.
Bunbury Diocesan Bishop Gerard Holohan has recently released a statement following the increasing news that the Australian government will soon change the current federal laws to redefine marriage.
Texan-born singer/songwriter Steve Angrisano was 15 years old when he attended his first Catholic youth concert.
This year, Loreto celebrates 140 years in Australia, thanks to our pioneering Loreto Sisters from Ireland.
Governments at the State and Federal levels must become serious about the immense shortage of housing stocks in townships, instead of contemplating how they can make it worse by forcing more people from remote areas into town zones already suffering from serious deprivations, according to the Bishop of Broome, Christopher Saunders.
President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Archbishop Denis Hart, has welcomed the Holy Father’s encyclical, Laudato Si’.
Tasmanians are being given the rare opportunity to see the 800-year old Relic of St Anthony of Padua, reports The Hobart Mercury.
As the debate about ‘same-sex marriage’ gains momentum nationally, the Australian Catholic Bishops believe it is important to highlight the meaning of marriage, last week issuing a pastoral letter to the Catholic community.
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference last week voted to divide the capacity of the Bishops’ Commission for Pastoral Life by establishing a new commission for family, youth and life during its plenary meeting.
The fundamental premise behind a conference recently held in South Australia was to explore how spiritually disconnected the Church and society had become from God’s creation and to look at ways to bridge this divide, said Perth participant Nigel Hayward.