Caritas Australia has last week reported that is working with its local partner, Caritas in Myanmar (Karuna Mission Social Solidarity [KMSS]), in assisting those who’ve been affected by Cyclone Komen.
The Catholic Leader has last week reported that claims the Catholic Church is dying are nothing but “false impressions”, according to Australia’s Papal Nuncio.
Migrants and refugees need our special attention and care, as they are our brothers and sisters, Bishop Vincent Long said this week in celebration of the 101st World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
Australia’s National Children and Young People’s Commissioner, Megan Mitchell, has this week launched a report in Canberra that looked at children and young people’s views on safety in institutions.
The Australian Catholic Cursillo Movement’s biennial National Encounter will take place in October, with a particular focus on pilgrimage, entitled The Joy of the Pilgrim Heart.
Two Australian bishops will this month join Ukrainian Catholic bishops from around the world at their annual Synod.
The rapid pick-up of new social media applications by Catholic youth is playing a major part in the coordination, planning and delivery of the next Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF) to be held in Adelaide in December.
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will hold a public hearing in Sydney on Monday, 24 August 2015 to hear evidence from retired Bishop Geoffrey Robinson into the approach of the Catholic Church in Australia to child sexual abuse survivors prior to the commencement of Towards Healing in 1996.
Australia’s asylum-seeker policy is a moral failure and an international disgrace, Brisbane Archbishop Mark Coleridge said on ABC TV’s Q&A on Monday night.
A small number of communities across Australia have disproportionately high levels of unemployment, low family income and education, housing stress, domestic violence and prison admissions, severely limiting life opportunities and placing significant social and economic costs on the broader community, according to a landmark national report released today.