Time is running out for readers to take part in the first-ever Australian Catholic Media User Survey, which is being conducted by the Australian Catholic Media Council, under the auspices of the Bishops Commission for Evangelisation. The Council is looking to hear about where and how Australians access their news of the Church in the new survey, which launched in late September and must close by November 30.
Parliament must work to unify Australians by respecting different views on marriage, Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) President Archbishop Denis Hart said this week in the wake of the result of the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics yesterday morning, Thursday 15 November, revealed Australians had voted Yes to same-sex marriage in a non-compulsory postal vote, with 61.6 per cent in favour and 38.4 per cent against. There were 7,817,247 votes for Yes and 4,873,987 for No. A further 36,686 votes, or 0.2 per cent, were unclear.
With only a month to go, Sydney is gearing up to play host to more than 18,000 young Catholics from around the nation for the Australian Catholic Youth Festival. If you are over the age of 18, there is still time to register for this amazing event. With Festival numbers nearing capacity, you will need to get online now. Find out more by visiting www.acyf.org.au