New Cardinal-designate Bishop Mykola Bychok has told Australian Bishops he remains “a servant of Christ and his flock that has been entrusted to my care.”
In releasing the 2024 annual report, Group CEO Bryan Pyne acknowledged the difficulties facing the Australian private health care sector while anticipating a positive future.
Cardinal-designate Mykola Bychok, a Redemptorist, will be the youngest cardinal in the Catholic Church, and only the eighth cardinal in both the history of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and of Australia.
The award is named after the 15th century inventor of the movable-type printing press, Johannes Gutenberg, who also produced the first printed Bible.
As Religious leaders attended from all over the country, a spirit of joy prevailed, along with an eagerness to ‘fill the tank’ with the fuel of shared wisdom for what it means to guide their communities in life and ministry.
Catholics around Australia have been asked to pray that the continuing journey of the faithful together in the synod be a time of grace and that active listening, dialogue and discernment strengthen the dynamic relationships between the People of God and the Risen Lord.
Survivor advocate Mr Moe Turaga and Domus 8.7 remediation service advisor Ruth Furber praised the work of Catholic organisations in assessing and addressing modern slavery in their operations and supply chains.
Catholic education has nearly 40 per cent of our schools located in regional, rural and remote areas who face unique challenges where the fund can help alleviate some of the future demand.
Under the Code of Canon Law, a public juridic person (PJP) is the Church’s equivalent of a civil corporation, such as dioceses, parishes or religious congregations, established to carry out apostolate works in the name of the Church.
Bishop Joe Caddy was born and raised in Melbourne. He holds a Bachelor of Theology from the Melbourne College of Divinity and degrees in Social Sciences from the Gregorian University in Rome.