The Trustees of St John of God Health Care (SJGHC) announced the appointment of Dr Julie Caldecott to the SJGHC board earlier this month.
St John of God Health Care last month surpassed the 10,000 mark – with 10,000 babies born during 2014 at its hospitals for the first time.
In response to the escalating humanitarian crisis due to the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa, St John of God Health Care has pledged $20,000 to support the Brothers of St John of God who operate hospitals in Sierra Leone and Liberia.
The University of Notre Dame Australia and the Sisters of St John of God continue to develop their unique bond, which has existed for more than 25 years, by establishing a Visiting Scholar Program on the Fremantle Campus.
brating its 20th anniversary in this year is the expanding St John of God Murdoch Hospital. Built to service Perth’s southern suburbs it is now nearing the end of a major redevelopment.
MercyCare officially handed over ownership of Mercy Hospital Mount Lawley to St John of God Health Care (SJGHC) on May 5, in a strategic move to strengthen Catholic Health Care in WA.