Haus Bung, located in Madang on Papua New Guinea’s north coast, is the nation’s first clubhouse for people experiencing mental health issues and was established by St John of God International Health on behalf of the Brothers of St John of God.
Dr Shane Kelly who has more than 35 years’ experience in the health care sector, 20 of which have been in public and private CEO roles, took over as Group CEO in April 2018.
St John of God Midland Public Hospital CEO Paul Dyer said the new Ambulatory Emergency Care unit has been designed to reduce waiting times, improve patient flow, avoid unnecessary overnight admissions and enhance the patient experience.
Notre Dame offers WA’s only re-entry to practice course for nurses (including those who gained their qualifications overseas), which enables them to register with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia.
St John of God Health Care has awarded fellowships to four caregivers to undertake research in their clinical areas.
Western Australia artist Claire Beausein was this year’s winner of the $25,000 major St John of God Health Care prize for the 2022 Mandorla Art Award, submitting a piece created from wild silkworm cocoons, stitched together with silk thread and presented on cotton rag paper.
Enter St John of God Raphael Services Healthy Men, Healthy Minds photo competition and help raise awareness of men’s perinatal mental health.
New St John of God Mt Lawley Hospital CEO Vanessa Unwin is currently Director of Nursing and Midwifery SJOG Mt Lawley, a position she has held since 2016.