Fr Vincent closed his address with a heartfelt thank you to all women for their pivotal role in the lives of all Archdiocesan parishes, especially in the transmission of the faith in sacramental programs and formation groups.
Born in Kolkata, India, to Eva and Gerald Henry, (Fr) Lionel was one of five children, with three sisters and a brother. His early years were marked by spirited adventures, such as skipping classes at St John Berchmans School to play marbles.
Leading up to a historical first Assembly of a Synod for the Diocese of Geraldton, listening sessions have been held which has given rise to a working document that will form the basis of the Assembly.
Recalling the inauguration of Redemptoris Mater Perth, Rector Fr Michael Moore said today all of us, filled with wonder and awe, reap and enjoy the fruits of a small seed sown, in one of the most isolated cities of the world, on the night of 15 August 1994.
Catholic Mission Director Francis Leong reflected on how as a sign of the times, grandparents are called upon more often to look after their grandchildren and even great grandchildren.
The majority of Australia’s homeless are not sleeping in doorways or tents in parks, but in less conspicuous settings, such as cars, couch-surfing or low-cost boarding houses or motels.
It’s a STEMsation! St Joseph’s School hosts young scientists for National Science Week
The Dominican Sisters of Australia were founded in June 1899 in the Diocese of Geraldton by Mother Gabriel Gill and five companions, who travelled from Dunedin, New Zealand, at the invitation of Bishop William Kelly to establish a foundation in Western Australia’s Goldfields.
The music for this years Orchestra Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral featured music from World Youth Day 2008 and also featured the music of recently knighted Sir John Rutter.
This year PAS celebrates 35 years of service to people with intellectual disability, so each person was provided with their own individual birthday cupcake labelled with the PAS logo.