Redemptoris Mater seminarian Felipe Fernandez will tonight be ordained to the Order of Deacon by Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, at St Mary’s Cathedral.
Hailing originally from Colombia, Felipe recalls in a special interview for The Record that it was during his rebellious teenage years that he experienced a moment of enlightenment, asking God to intervene.
It is important for Grzegorz, and for us, to understand what it means to be a priestly people, said Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, during the ordination of Fr Grzegorz Rapcewicz, Friday 12 August.
“This is at the heart of the common vocation we all share and for that very reason it is at the heart of the vocation to the ministerial priesthood through which Christ enables the Church to live this vocation fruitfully,” Archbishop Costelloe said.
A new and unique fundraising event from St Vincent De Paul Society WA aims to be a great motivation for supporters to ensure participants have the ultimate bragging rights.
Deacon Grzegorz Rapcewicz will this week be ordained the 43rd priest from Perth’s Redemptoris Mater Seminary by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB. Hailing originally from Warsaw, Poland, Dcn Grzegorz highlighted the importance the domestic church had on his faith journey, which ultimately led him to the priesthood.
Speaking ahead of the upcoming annual Marriage Day Mass on Saturday 20 August, Perth Auxiliary Bishop Sproxton said that when a young couple plans for the Sacrament of Marriage, their hopes are that the love they have come to know in themselves and from their partner, will flourish and grow to greater heights and depths.
On Friday 26 July, 36 Mercedes students from all year groups volunteered to take part in the Ponytail Project, stepping up to cut 20 centimetres or more of their hair for donation, as well as raising funds from friends and family for cancer research and support services for families affected by cancer.
University of Notre Dame Australia Exercise and Sport Science Head of Discipline Dr Chris Joyce said older golf players tend to suffer from musculo-skeletal conditions such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, which impact on their flexibility, strength, endurance and balance
St Benedict’s Church celebrated its 70 years of rich history through a week of festivities and was encouraged by Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB to look forward with hope of carrying out the Lord’s mission.
Cultural diversity was recently celebrated at Armadale parish, with more than 200 parishioners coming together for an International Food Fair.
Eight Secondary Colleges came together last week for the Sacred Choral division of the 2022 Spirit of the Arts Festival at Perth’s St Mary’s Cathedral. The Record was on hand to capture the performances